Neopets Played on Dialup by lizzy_kiss

Neopets by dialup
Yes a large portion of Neopets users like myself are still using a dialup internet connection via a phone line and modem and slow connections through home or office networks with shared internet. How often is it that one sits in the Kadoatery for 3 hours straight constantly refreshing and waiting in the boards for refresh times to only ever see that one hungry Kadoatie wanting the unbuyable and never seeing a refresh as by the time the page loads the Kadoaties have already been fed. Or going to do a crossword with answers from a friend and only receiving 200np as it took over 15 minutes for the page to upload each of your answers. Yes it does seem that if your internet connection is slow it will take neopoints to make neopoints and a lot of obsessive stress to win trophies. But here I will tell you what to give up on, what’s worthwhile doing and what possible ways to earn neopoints even on a slow connection.

Firsty you need neopoints
So your broke and you need a new battle set so that you can beat the Defender of Neopia challenges an get that trophy well trying to be a restocker will be very difficult indeed unless you know what shops to pick. However I will advise you to forget this as any shop you choose to restock at will be the less popular restocker shops and what you buy will either get you negative profit or very little so this would probably be a waste of time and time is neopoints. However if you feel the need to restock then I suggest the mystery shop on terror mountain, yes sometimes you will get nothing of value and other times you will pay 2000np for something of 15000np worth.

With that out of the way the best way to earn neopoints is to practice your favourite flash games until you are getting enough points to earn 500np per score send so by playing 5 different games a day you would earn around 7500np per day and some games it is fairly easy to earn 1000np a score send games that I find give good amounts of neopoints are:

Dubloon Disaster
Freaky Factory
Hasee Bounce
Trouble at the National Neopian
Turmac Roll
Ultimate Bullseye
Volcano Run
Destruct-O-Match II
Sutek’s Tomb

Other games like the ones in Luck & Chance section and card games will quite often lose you neopoints and take too much time to load cards that you might be lucky to make 40 neopoints every 20 minutes which is a complete waste of time so as I say unless you really like those types of games the neopoints will come from the flash games and don’t lose heart if you enjoy a flash game but don’t seem very good just keep playing until your earning those neopoints.

Other games like the ones in luck & chance section and card games will quite often lose you neopoints and take too much time to load cards that you might be lucky to make 40np every 20 minutes which is a complete waste of time so as I say unless you really like those types of games the neopoints will come from the flash games and don’t lose heart if you enjoy a flash game but don’t seem very good just keep playing until your earning those neopoints.

Yes we all want to be known for the 20 odd trophies in our user lookup but what ones are unachievable on a slow connection? Trophies seem to come in categories of how to receive them some easy if you are willing to spend a lot of time others easy if you have a strong skill or talent and others virtually impossible if you don’t have high speed internet. – lizzy_kiss

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