It all becomes apparant that when something happens to our Neopets accounts i.e. that it gets scammed and we end up losing our neopoints and possibly the items, that one of the possible reasons was that our passwords were too easy to guess.
Your Neopets password, like all passwords you use on the internet should be constructed so it cannot be randomly guessed by potentially scammers looking to break into your Neopets account.
There are times when scammers who gain entry to your account will attempt to break a Neopets rule or self-freeze the account so you cannot gain access back into it. Why lose all your neopets, your valuable items, your secret avatars and your trophies just because your Neopets password was an easy guess?
When you create your Neopets password, aim to have it at least 6 characters in length. Every extra character you add to your password increases substantially the number of attempts a person will have to guess before they have access to your account.
For example, lets assume you have 6 characters in your password, and there is only the option of using alphabet characters for Neopets passwords. That’s (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) all multiplied by 52 (number of characters in the alphabet) which equals 37,440 possible combinations. A person would have to guess 37,440 before they could gain access to your account. If you had 7 characters in your Neopets password, the number of possible combinations increase to 262,080!
The above example is of course, very simplistic and doesn’t incorporate the use of numbers. Mix up your password with numbers and you’ll ensure that your password will be more secure than one that doesn’t.
In addition to numbers, make sure you throw in at least one capitalization of a letter. For example, a possible password could be littlepig123jh. Throw in a random capitalization and the new password would be litTlepig123jh. The chances of someone guessing that? Very slim.
When creating your password, DO NOT use single words. For example, ‘hello’ and ‘password’ are single words that are surprisingly used often. Don’t do it.
Do not use your birthday as your Neopets password.
Do not use your address as your Neopets password.
Do not use just the name of your pet as your Neopets password.
The above are just some general guidelines but as a rule, mix things up. Throw in a few random letters that would not normally be associated together with numbers and capitalizations and you’ll have a Neopets password to be proud of.
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