Neopets Jelly

Co-creator of Neopets, Adam Powell, has a secret affinity for the gelatin delight known as jelly. It’s bouncy, it’s see-through and it’s oh-so-yummy! It is no wonder that this unholy obsession found its way through to Neopian screens worldwide. What began as a poll for a possible world became an insider joke. No, they know not what we speak of.

The birth of Neopets Jelly

It was a bright, sunny day, and Neopians all over the world logged on to find a new poll. “What world would you like to see next?” it said in a merry voice (well not quite). Among the options was one that said Jelly World! Alas, Jelly World didn’t go on to win (if memory serves me correct) and the world was doomed to never be created, until…

Neopets Jelly makes its appearance

As a world on Neopets! Never officially announced but accessible via the browser none-the-less, Jelly World looked scrumdiddilyumptious and fun to boot. And then…

Jelly neopets become a color

People who regularly took their neopets to the Lab Ray suddenly found Jelly colored neopets on their hands! What the?!

Jelly world gives out freebies

Something fishy is going on here!” were on the minds of Neopians everywhere. Jelly world was online, there were jelly colored neopets and Jelly World was giving out free jelly! Yet all this time, Neopets was vehemently denying all knowledge of such things.

The aftermath

Till this day, Neopets still does not claim to know anything about Jelly World. Whenever asked in the editorial, they will neatly side-step the question. What will happen next? Only time will tell dun dun duuuun!

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