If I was superstitious, I would say three million is a dangerous amount of neopoints for me to cross. The first time I lost my account was due to a hacker. I logged into a fake login page. This was before Neopets had a contingency for fake login pages; and, if you typed in your password it was your responsibility. A Neopets technician and I watched my account be looted. During this time period in Neopets history, random events were common. It was easy to get a job. Neopets was more than generous. You could always get something from the Snowager. There were specific times to go to Coltzan’s Shrize to receive a particular item or ability. You always got “something” from Tombola and the Fruit Machine (it could be “a booby prize sort of thing”, it could be outstanding!). The Neopets tech and other techs worked hard to save my account. I was watching from my daughter’s account. At that time I had Multiples of all the petpets, utility pets, nekmids, codestones, dubloons, medicines for all the diseases, rare battledome items, all the promotional items, all the scratchcards, pages of morphing potions, rare items and nearly every negg among my many other items. My safety deposit box was full. Back then, my shop was considered large. I lost everything, neopoints, items in my shop, my inventory, my NeoHome and safety deposit box, my up to date with the latest stamps album, my stocks, my card deck, and my equipped items. Eventually, it was determined that my password had been changed and made invisible. I was never reimbursed for any of my losses. Disheartened, I took a break from Neopets.
When I returned, I rebuilt my account from the ground up. It was a very different Neopets. This time, I started my galleries. This way, in the event that my main account was hacked. I would still have my gallery accounts. It is very difficult to play games in four accounts. This time, I know I lost two pages of morphing potions including my prizes, my Draik and my Cybunny. I also just completed a series of trades with a girl starting with a baby Draik that she did not know what to do with. She also traded me several of each color of Draik egg and pirate petpets. I had as before codestones, nerkmids, dubloons, medicines for all the diseases, rare battledome items, all the promotional items, all the scratchcards, and rare items. Unfortunately, I was tired and went to bed before sending my petpets to my gallery account. I just placed them in my safety deposit box and completed my pending trades. I don’t have a morphing potion account; but, if I can manage it, I soon will. That account was also over three million neopoints, with a fully stocked now small shop, full inventory, re-done NeoHome (I know that was truly stupid.) and pages of items in my safety deposit box, my album was up to date with the latest stamps, my stocks, my card deck, and my rare equipped items. I logged in; and, it was like logging into a new account. I reported this; and, I was informed that I was not the only one who was impacted by a Neopets glitch. I was never reimbursed for any of my losses. It was time to take another break.
Well, here I am again. This time each of my Children sent me a welcome package. From asison, I received some nerkmids and several different neggs. From conaho, I received dubloons and a magic Poogle. From meeko1993, I received a magic Meerca toy, a Harris, a Huggy, a Snowbunny and a Spyder. I earned two pages of morphing potions. Then I started my Pakrat avatar. I have a lot of items. It has taken me this long to figure out that my children’s gifts and who knows what else are missing. I know when I am missing items from the trades or auctions; and, I have been letting that go.
The items were under priced anyway. However, this is different. These were gifts from my children. I have another Snowbunny and Spyder but not Kayla’s (meeko1993’s Snowbunny and Spyder). I have other Neggs but not the ones Alannah (asison) gave me. I have dubloons but not Arleenah’s (conaho) dubloon’s. In fact, I believe I still have the Neomails for the trades of most of those dubloons. My other issues include:
1. Avatars. I like them. They can’t be stolen. However, even after I receive the “You may now use…” popup, I normally don’t get the avatar. This is frustrating, time consuming and expensive. I can for example tell you that after you have successfully pulled the Lever of Doom, there is no popup. There is a little grey button that says to use the avatar click here. I reported this; yet, I will likely have to repeat the process until I get the button again. It took me several days and several attempts to receive battle Jubjub; and, I have a Jubjub. I could go on and on about the avatar issues I have been encountering. However, I believe my avatar problems would occupy pages.
2. There is no point in my purchasing Neopets merchandise with a Neocode due to the fact that Neocodes don’t work in my account. I entered a Neocode. I won 450K. I usually do better; but, oh well. I never received the 450K. I was reissued a Neocode via E-mail. To paraphrase, it said I had a prize that was undelivered in the system. Click here to re-enter the code. I do not know how many times I re-entered that code; but, it never did a thing. I used to purchase Neopets Merchandise from Limited Too all the time. I have now reconsidered that position and barely enter the shop any longer.
3. My Neomail: My folders have been disappearing. This is not funny. I value those conversations. I am unable to create VIP Neofriends due to the fact that there is no check box for that. Sometimes, I receive multiples of the same Neomail from my Neofriends. Sometimes my Neofriends receive multiples of the same Neomail from me.
4. The Games Room: I will NOT EVER play the Wheel of Mediocrity again. We let it spin overnight (several times); and, I never received a thing. I still cannot play the yellow knight. I tied with him. Now all I get is the cellblock header and a blank page. My trophies are wrong. Two are missing (1st place bonus Destruct-O-Match and Codestones) and I had a first place in Snow Wars. I earned those. They should be up there. Little random things like not getting my neopoints or it saying I already played three times when I have not; but, I can let that go or report it depending on my mood.
5. My E-mail: I receive multiples of the same message from Neopets. Example: The “checking out” message from my pets. I received three; and, the last set won’t display as having been read. I receive blank E-mail from Neopets. This is always fun.
6. The Mystic Island Training School: The Mystic Island Training School is holding my codestones for ransom… I do not know what it wants. However, I can not pay nor can I retrieve my codestones. I would prefer just to have my codesones returned to my inventory. I also have missed two free training days at Cap’n Threelegs’ Swashbuckling Academy and the avatar for completing the course. In case free courses do not count towards the avatar, I do have dubloons. However, these are useless as long as The Mystic Island Training School is holding my codestones and as a result my pets as well for ransom.
That is not the end of it. I am on disability. I go to therapy during the day. I allowed a former friend to stay with me in my home. I had no reason not to trust her. I always assumed she logged me out of all my windows when I left. Sadly, I was mistaken. She took advantage of my trust. She impersonated me on the internet. Now, I am banned not only from all the reputable MSN Neopets Chat Websites but from my other Chat Websites as well. I am quite sure she made an impression. I am also receiving a great quantity of unwanted inappropriate E-mail. Needless to say, we are no longer friends.
I play on Neopets in order to de-stress. I only wish they had not gone to that automated system. I receive no assistance from that machine and have had nothing but trouble since it was incorporated. I wish I could find a Neopets Support Staff Individual to whom I could voice my concerns. I have received three pieces of Neomail from people I was engaged with trading and had to inform him or her that his or her account was potentally hacked due to the extraneous string of characters in the middle of the subject. You can imagine the distress this caused. All these individuals opted simply to change his or her password and not report the incident out of fear that TNT would unnecessarily freeze or do something negative to his or her account. I find this quite sad. I have been threatened to be reported for spamming. I believe the Neomail read “quit spamming or I’ll report you.” I had just logged on for the day, completed my dailies, and was in the games room. After continually receiving this Neomail, I reported this individual for harrassment. I have sent the parental consent form four times. My oldest daughter has turned fourteen. None of my three children have Neomail or Chat.
I work for the Eighth district Federal Reserve Bank. Before I was disabled, I was a team leader over several areas, one was technical support. If a staff of four can support the entire eighth district, our field offices, calls/E-mail from other districts due to the fact that we were an communications hub, and extraneous outside calls/E-mail… I simply do not see where Neopets is coming from on the technical support issue.
You are only as old as you feel – spinn1