Moon Rock Rampage Solutions by okamotosan

Overview: Your character has to go through 20 levels collecting parts worth anywhere from a measly 1 point to a whooping 250 points! In some levels the main point-gaining method will be collecting the parts, but on certain levels there are good opportunities for you to smash Moon Rock Monsters for a lot of points!

Max points: I am sure I haven’t found the way to get the maximum amount of points from this game, but I have gotten to the top of the High Score board, so I’ve done something right : I don’t usually spend my time trying to smash as many monsters as I can. I know it is possible to smash monsters on all levels, but I’ve only listed it under the ones I use. Also, you will want all three of your lives in level 20, so if you lose a life anywhere in the game you will have to start over if you want one of those top score! I’ll explain more on that near the end.

Level 1: Simple enough, shove one of the blocks at the top to get to the two parts.

Level 2: It’s pretty easy to see how you can shove the blocks while you’re playing it, but if you place a Moon Rock at every adjacent space to the volcanoes except one, then you can hit groups of three monsters a few times before time runs out.

Level 3: WARNING: Drill Monsters! This is the first of many levels that include the Moon Rock monsters that can drill into the ground and appear randomly. This is very dangerous as you have little or no warning when they’re coming up, and is an easy way to die later in the game.

Well, the level is simple, and (luckily) quick. Run around the stage to get all three parts.

Level 4: Another level with Drill Monsters! But, again, it’s a quickie, so don’t worry! Choose either the left or right side of the screen, and shove a Moon Rock on that side up the screen. Run up after it and get the part on that side. You can run right to the other one, but make sure you don’t pass on any spaces right next to a volcano as a Moon Rock Monster can pop up at any time to take one of your lives.

Level 5: Ack! What, three consecutive levels that have Drill Monsters? Luckily it’s also three in a row that take little time to complete. Run down, and slide the Moon Rock to the right to make a shortcut. Run to ship part on the top, and then run down a couple spaces, and you can run in a straight line to the right to get both parts.

Level 6: This is one of the most complicated levels in the game! But the benefits of doing it well are hundreds of points!

Figure 1

To start off this level, run to the bottom right, run up the little alley-like passage and shove just that Moon Rock. Grab the part, and run back to the center as soon as possible. The Yellow line shows what this step takes. Then create blocks from the Moon Rock Monsters. You need to create the #1 block so the monsters don’t leave that area. Then create #2 & #3. Shove the #1 block up and create #4. You’re going to have to time it so that you can shove #4 up right before a Moon Rock Monster steps into space #5. This should leave the blue spaces filled up so you can walk on them which you will need to. Go back down and create a #1 block again so that numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 are now in place. Run to the bottom right-hand corner and grab the part, and swing back to shove the block up. The orange line shows this process. The next step is shoving the only Moon Rock there to the right so that it springs upward. Make sure you create a “B” block to keep the Moon Rock Monsters contained.

Figure 2

Continuing in Figure 2
Run up and grab the part in the upper right-hand corner, and continue over to the center to create blocks 6 & 7. Now you just backtrack to the bottom right-hand corner and use the same method for the bottom right-hand corner. Now you should be all set to smash many monsters! This level has a limit of 5 monsters on the field at a time, so you shouldn’t really wait for more monsters after that.

Special Hint: If you send the Moon Rock flying with monsters really close to the Moon Rock, there is a good chance that another monster will be generated by the time it gets to the second volcano earning an extra 100 points 😉

Figure 3

Figure 4

Level 7: This level has a nice point opportunity. You can walk right around to the top of the Moon Rock at the beginning and send it down. Stand in the corner and wait for one of the monsters to come up right next to you. With some luck, you will have 5 monsters right along the bottom trying to get you. If you have most of them to the left, you could get a 6th monster at the end, again earning an extra 100 points! ^_^ Now, it would seem that you can only do this once since the Moon Rock is right up against the Volcano, but Moon Rocks can be destroyed! 4 laser shots and that Moon Rock will be history leaving the passage free for Moon Rock Monsters once again to try to get you. Once time gets near the end, run to the part.

Level 8: WARNING: Robots! This is the first of many levels that include the Evil Moon Robots. They have the potential to be very annoying since they can shove Moon Rocks at you if you are in the same row, and even bounce them back if you’ve sent one at them! Now, almost every one of them can move Moon Rocks (all of them in this level can), but there some special ones that I will talk about later 😉

Now, level 8 is pretty simple in layout, you can go up, and to the left, sending one block over, then the other right after. You will be able to get the part in the lower left-hand corner. Then you can head up to the top half of the screen. All you have to do is make sure the robots don’t get the chance to shove Moon Rocks at you, then you’ll be fine.

Level 9: This is a simple one, and I don’t waste time smashing on it, although some points can be made. Send the Moon Rocks in the appropriate directions, and you’ll be able to collect all the parts.

Figure 5

Level 10: Is a pretty good level with parts. You shove one Moon Rock that’s directly above you upward, then shove the other one that’s there to the right. Make sure that before you leave that area you create Moon Rocks around the volcano that the Moon Rock Monsters are coming out of, as marked by red squares. Then you grab the parts, leaving the fifty-pointer like in the figure. You will want to start making the Moon Rocks in the center where the yellow ones indicate. I have only marked the necessary Moon Rocks needed. You’ll want to start at the bottom to keep them in there with the “B” and Yellow Moon Rock at the very bottom. Then you can work on the other three. Then shove the “B” block upward and it will make the path that the aqua spot indicates. Then you can replace the “B” block, and run around to the top to create the final yellow block. Now you are ready to do the smashing for this level. Stand below the “B” block, and you can wait for up to 5 Moon Rock Monsters to gather in there. It’s obviously best to try to time it when all the monsters will be in the row. And you can replace the “B” block and do it again, but you can usually only get a couple on the second time.

Level 11: Warning: More Drill monsters! Okay, this is the first level where it is possible to lose a life from the Drill Monsters, so you want to work quickly. First thing to do is run upward. Hit both Moon Rocks up to get to the top part. Then shoot one of the Drill Monsters to create a Moon Rock you can shove to the right to get to the last two parts. In the figure, I had to shoot a Drill monster who was after me at the top which couldn’t just be shoved to the side to get to the parts, so I shoved it down, and hot one of the blocks at the bottom. I was then able to shove it to the right to get to the parts as shown by the blue line. So if you get into trouble that isn’t planned, try to think if it can help you!

Figure 6

Level 12: You can snatch a few points from this level. After you’ve shoved one of the Moon Rocks at the bottom up to get to the center, then shove one of the side Moon Rocks, and watch out because they’ll be coming back through there! You can grab three of the parts as shown in the figure, and then create three Moon Rocks at the top marked with green circles. Then shove the Moon Rock that was blocking the Monsters from getting into the center, and be sure to hit a couple monsters (make sure to get out of the way since it will be bouncing). After that Moon Rock disappears you can create the “B” block when a monster walks down there. You can usually get groups of three in the level although there are more monsters than that.

Level 13: Even though there are Drill Monsters in this level, you can still finish it rather quickly. The only thing you need to do is shove the Moon Rock to the left to get to one of the parts, then run around and get the other.

Figure 7

Level 14: This is the next big point-maker! First thing to do is to make sure you can complete this level. You’ll want to create a Moon Rock to the right of the yellow spots so that you can shove it over to fill one of those. Then wait for another Moon Rock Monster to come and fill the second. After that you can place Moon Rocks around the top right volcano, as marked with the hot pink circles. Then you can concentrate on the bottom-right-hand corner! Once the first monster gets into place, create a “B” block. It probably isn’t worth your time waiting for another monster to come, so you can crush the 5 in a row there, and probably have time to do it again! Running to the parts will take more than 5 seconds, so be careful of that.

Level 15: This is pretty simple, just run around the circle, shoving Moon Rocks as needed to get the parts.

Figure 8

Level 16: THE BIGGEST DEATH TRAP IN THE GAME!!! It really is as bad as it sounds. I’ve given you a screenshot of what it looks like in Figure 8. There are Robots being made by the box at the top, and both of the volcanoes create Drill Monsters. The only thing you can do is not give the Robots a chance to shove Moon Rocks at you. Good luck! (You’ll probably need it, I know I did 🙂

Level 17: Very simple. Shove the Moon Rock that is directly to the left of you to the left. Then run over to it and shove it upward.

Figure 9

Level 18: This level can be frustrating since all 4 volcanoes produce Drill Monsters, so finish it fast! I’ve drawn lines on how to shove Moon Rocks to get to all the parts, and from there it should be pretty simple. Good Luck again!

Figure 10

Level 19: Now, for the SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA-AWESOME secret of the Robots! :- Robots from all the previous levels were created in Yellow or Silver boxes. Well, this second-to-last level introduces Red boxes, ooh ahh. Well, it really is like that because Red Boxes create the best robots! Robots created by Red boxes can still kill you like normal Monsters, but they don’t seem to want to shove Moon Rocks at you! But, uh oh, when you smash them, they don’t die! This is actually a better thing than it sounds because when you smash one, you get 25 points!!! Level 19 is a good level for a lot of smashing of Red-box Robots, but watch out because the Yellow-box robots will still try to smash you with Moon Rocks. If you can pull it off in this level, you will definitely want to smash more than one monster, even if the first one is a Yellow-box Robot. The Red-box Robots will gain even more points if smashed in a combo! The sequence seems to be 25 for the first, and 100 for every one after. Well, good luck with this level, and have fun!

Figure 11

Level 20: Well lookie there in Figure 11, two RED BOXES!!! And how nice, there are no Yellow ones to go with them! Not only is that good, but there are really good parts for this level too!

Now, you are going to want to get to the bottom of the stage as fast as possible. Once at the bottom, shoot any Robots that come out of the box in the middle, and create a “B” block to stop robots from leaving the top area. You will want to create another “B” block to the left if another Moon Rock Monster is created. You will want to turn any Moon Rock Monsters in the bottom right-hand corner into Moon Rocks too, and try to get them in a line so you can smash more robots. Well, now that you have 2 or 3 robots trapped in the top part of the stage, wait for them to be lined up, and shove the Moon Rock at them. Hopefully there is another Moon Rock there to replace the one you just shoved upward. BUT MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET THE LAST PART YET! You should still have all three of your lives left. If you let the time run out, you will get a fresh new start on this level while keeping all the points you’ve earned so far! This means that all of the parts will be back where they started so you can collect them again, and smash more Red-box Robots! You can do this level three times which will earn you a lot of points!

Figure 12

GOOD LUCK!!! – okamotosan

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