Meerca Chase II Guide by superdragoncheetah

Meerca Chase I and II are some of the top games in Neopets. They are an excellent way to earn some easy neopoints. If you want to earn some np, I suggest you play this game. Its fun, and a bit challenging as well. Ill help you under stand Meerca Chase in this guide.

The Rules and The Object of the Game

The rules are simple. You control a neopet called the Meerca. You have to run around collecting Neggs (Neggs are those little egg-like sack shaped things that have a smiley on them.) I dont know how the definition can get any simpler =P You must collect all the neggs EXCEPT the red ones that appear on the screen during the game. If you accidentally touch a red negg, you automatically LOSE and you have to either send your score, or reset the game. As you collect neggs, they form a line behind you, which gets longer and longer as you collect more neggs. Got it? OK lets move on.

How you can Lose

Not that I want you to lose, of course, but in this section, Ill tell you how/when the game is over.

1. When you touch a red negg.

2. When you touch your negg line (the lines of neggs trailing you, other wise, the Trail of Neggs.)

3. When you hit either of the four boundaries in the game, or either of the four corners of the screen.

4. When you give up and cross out the game (ha ha).

Game Modes:

The game has three (3) modes, or difficulties:

Easy- the Meerca moves very slowly, and rate of red neggs appearing is reduced.

Medium- The Meerca moves faster and at a reasonable speed, red negg rate is slightly increased.

Hard- The Meerca moves at incredible speed, and is much harder to control. Red negg rate in much increased. Definitely not for beginners!

When you play the game for the first time, I suggest playing a couple of games in Easy mode. After that, move on to Medium. Medium is recommended and is a good difficulty. In fact, you can just start from Medium, unless you are REALLY weak at the game, you can start off Easy. When you think youve become an expert, then start off on Hard mode. But BEWARE! The Meerca is extremely fast, and difficult to control, so be careful. Yet, if you are good enough, you can get higher np in Hard difficulty. As you do higher difficulties, the Negg points of each negg are increased.

Game Types (Only available in MCII (Meerca Chase II)

Classical- Normal mode, just like in Meerca Chase I. The movement of the Meerca is the same.

Freetype- The Meerca moves in circle-shapes, otherwise, he moves freely. This mode is a bit more difficult, practice till you get used to it. More np for each negg.

Maze- In this mode, a maze is created around you and you have to avoid hitting the mazes walls and collect neggs without hitting hit. Even MORE value of each negg. Again, practice it and youll become the master at it.

Neggs Explained

Here are the listing of neggs and the points theyre worth (classical only):

Happy Negg – 3 (easy), 5 (medium), 8 (hard)
Blue Negg – 9 (easy), 15 (medium), 24 (hard)
Green Negg – 12 (easy), 20 (medium), 32 (hard)
Gray Negg – 15 (easy), 25 (medium), 40 (hard)
Golden Negg – 30 (easy), 50 (medium), 80 (hard)
Rainbow Negg- 60 (easy), 100 (medium), 160 (hard)
Fish Negg – 150 (easy), 250 (medium), 400 (hard)

Hints and Tips

Here are some handy tips to help you with the game:

1. Move near the boundaries, in squares. This helps when you have a REALLY long negg line trailing you.

2. BE ALERT! Red neggs have a habit of suddenly appearing in front of you, so be ready to turn the other direction.

3. Dont change direction suddenly e.g. if youre moving right and want to go left, do not suddenly press down and left as youll crash with your trail and lose.

4. Dont panicTHINK FAST! If you have a gigantic trail, and are heading straight towards it, change direction fast! Especially in Hard mode.

5. When you have a big trail, move in an organized way or pattern. That way, you wont crash with your trail. E.g. moving in squares around the boundaries of the screen.

6. Dont start off in Hard difficulty the first time you play. Start off in Easy or Medium as you wont be able to control the Meerca in Hard Mode.

7. Dont sweat it! Practice very hard and anyone can become a master. Im sure youve heard of this saying, but hear it again- Practice makes Perfect (but no bodys PERFECT, not even the guys whove made it to the high scores, but practice DOES help and make you ALMOST perfect!)


Well, thats the end of my guide. Hope this helped you with the Meerca Chase games. Thanks for taking your time to read it and hope it really helps you out! Have fun playing Meerca Chase! – superdragoncheetah

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