Maths Nightmare Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Maths Nightmare, the game of math, intuition, speedy hands and a quick mouse. In order to fully blitz this game, one must have a calculator at his/her side (with big buttons of course), preferably two, and a friend or two to help with the later levels. Unless you can multiply extensive numbers in your head quickly (it is possible if you train yourself), then the only way to beat your way to a high score if through the use of patient friends.

Basically, Imiya the Aisha has a huuuuge maths test tomorrow morning and she cannot be disturbed by sheep. (Notice the humour on Neopets part of course ~_^ ) You can defend Imiya the Aisha is by bapping the noisy sheep. However, like always, there is a catch. Shooting requires miniscule precise calculations to release the potent beams to make the sheep disturb another person, someone who doesn’t have a maths test the following morning. At times, the sheep will swarm you, and you will need to co-ordinate quickly your hand movements and your typing to repel the invaders.

Always begin at the easiest level as it gives you valuable easy points to set you off to a hard start. You may find it simply easy but it does become significantly harder later on, especially after level 10. Make sure that your mouse and hands are positioned correctly. For instance, I am a right handed guy and I use my right hand on the mouse, and my left hand to type in the numbers quickly. Many people prefer using the number keypad as it is significantly quicker but it is up to you how you play the game.

As soon as the sheep appears on the screen, click on the sheep, type in the answer and press enter. Remember that you do not have to wait for the zappy-thing to hit the target to move on, you can continue as soon as the zapper launches.

After level 10, you will begin using your calculator depending on your mental arithmetic level. It really helps to have a friend here as you still have to continue keeping the sheep at bay. Have your friend tackle the first wave of attack while you concentrate on the second to save valuable time.

Congratulations, you are now past level 20. Here, it is recommended you have 3 helpers, yourself and three calculators. Have one of your friends concentrate on the right two columns of the sheep, your other friend concentrate on the left, and you helping out where ever you can.

There is no limit to how far you can go, but as usual, the more people helping, the better. If you plan to go for the high score, keep in mind that it might take a fair while but patience is a virtue and practice makes perfect! With all that said, I wish you luck in this game and possibly, a high score. – Shoyru_Lover

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