Make Over 10,000 Neopoints Every Day by DarkShenTom

I know most game guides include playing games. This one Doesn’t. I have summed it up in 4 Easy steps:


1) Visit Coltzan’s Shrine at 55 seconds past the minute (NST), and get some dubloons. OR
2) Buy a Two Dubloon Coin (Approx 3100 NP) OR
3) Do Both 😉

(Current Neopoints: -3100)


Go to Krawk Island and Enter the Golden Dubloon. Buy anything priced 1 Dubloon. Feed it to your pet.

(Current Neopoints: -3100)


Put the One Dubloon Coin into your shop at 500NP above the price you got it, (3600 to 3700 will all but ensure a buy) and wait about 10 mins (at the busy times). Once it’s bought, Withdraw the money instanly.

(Current Neopoints: 500)


Use this money to buy another Two Dubloon Coin and repeat the process as many times as time allowed. The entire proccess takes 15-20 mins. Say it takes 15. In an hour, you have 2k. In 5 hours, you will have 10k. Sometimes it’s slower, sometimes it’s as quick as lightning. But if you have another window open and do this all the time as well as doing what you normally do, by the end of a day, you could have anything from 3k, to 15k!

(Current Neopoints: TONS)

If there’s anything else I can help you with, Neomail me (DarkShenTom) or email me GET RICH QUICK! DS

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