Make 15,000 Neopoints in 1 Hour Just by Playing Games by ola_koala

Hi and welcome to my guide to making 15,000 np in one hour after playing fast simple flash games. In the guide I have put a “minimum” score that you will need to get to reach the 10,000 np mark after just one hour. I’ve also put a “my score” mark that tells what I scored, and what you will need to score to exceed the 15,000 np mark. Note: It will take 60 minutes of game time. Loading the games, and practice games were not included in the 60 minutes of time.

Jubble Bubble-15 min.

In this relaxing Maraquan you must surround the Maraquan Kikos in protective bubbles. The music is very soothing. It’s a great game to start the hour.

  • Minimum score each round: 500
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 1,500
  • My scores each round: 855,630,1000*
  • My total neopoints so far: 2,488

Volcano Run-3 min.

In this game you must fly through the cave avoiding the walls and lasers. It is very easy to score the minimum. This game is much like the helicopter game found on other game websites.

  • Minimum score each round: 600
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 2,100
  • My scores each round: 859,1071,1351
  • My total neopoints so far: 3,569

Zurroball-6 min.

I will be honest and say that I am really bad at this game. The payout is good however, and it is a short game. chances are you will score higher than me. (I recommend using the regular Zurroball, it is the easiest for me.)

  • Minimum score each round: 50
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 2,550
  • My scores each round: 52,50,85
  • My total neopoints so far: 4,130

200 Meter Peanut Dash-6 min.

This is one of the best games out there. It is so simple. Just press the left and right arrow keys so fast that the Elephante’s bar reaches the very top, then press the up key. While your Puppyblew is running after the peanut make sure he does every single kind of jump over the logs, and make sure he catches the peanut in mid jump.

  • Minimum score each round: 800
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 4,350
  • My scores each round: 840,860,880
  • My total neopoints so far: 6,065

Snowball Fight-6 min.

Whack the pets (and petpets) with snowballs making sure not to hit the faeries. Watch the snow in the background so you know which way the wind is blowing.

  • Minimum score each round: 300
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 5,475
  • My scores each round: 330,345,360
  • My total neopoints so far: 7,358

Extreme Potato Counter-3 min.

This game is a must for making fast neopoints. The rules are simple…count the potatoes as they fly through the air. (The music is great too!)

  • Minimum score each round: 30
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 6,105
  • My scores each round: 62,62,55
  • My total neopoints so far: 8,611

1 Verb Yellowball-4 min.

Verb Yellowball takes a minute or two to get the hang of, but then its really easy (and cute)!

  • Minimum score each round: 100
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 7,305
  • My scores each round: 110,150,140
  • My total neopoints so far: 10,211

Mootix Drop-8 min.

I always play Mootix drop in the mission mode on the medium setting. If you can manage to complete all the rounds, you can get over 800 np if you land on a small target every round.

  • Minimum score each round: 500
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 8,805
  • My scores each round: 802,784,836
  • My total neopoints so far: 12,633

Sophie’s Stew-9 min.

I rock at this game! I can easily score the maximum (500 ) every round. And with a little practice you can rock at it too. It’s pretty simple, bounce the ingredients into the stew. Remember to use the Meowclops to your advantage.

  • Minimum score each round: 300
  • Minimum total neopoints so far: 10,605
  • My scores each round: 500*,500*,500*
  • My total neopoints so far: 15,633

* This means that I have reached the maximum amount of neopints. Neopets will let me earn for that game.

Congratulations! You reached the 10,000 np mark in just one hour! You might have even reached the 15,000 np mark like I did. Give yourself a pat on the back. You are on your way to becoming a millionaire!

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