Let It Slide Guide by Faerie_prynces

The purpose of this game is to help the Snuffly find its way through the Ice Caves. Sounds easy doesn’t it. That is until the stalactites start falling, the ice crevasses get higher, and the Gabars, which at times form menacing groups with the intent of taking over the much needed routes to stop you from making it to the next level.

So what is a Neopian to do? I’ll explain everything right here in this handy little guide on “Let It Slide”.

The Points

You gain points from collecting the green gems placed on various levels throughout the game. However, you must be careful with the speed in which you attempt this, because the ice can be quite slippery in some cases. I suggest that focus on going “slow” and strategically eyeing the distance between yourself and the Gaber which you’re are trying to avoid, and the gem (which you need to collect for points).


Speaking of which, its important to not try out running them. Though this game is fun, the response time isn’t that stunning. Its best to wait until a Gaber is some what close to you before jumping over its head. How close is too close? This takes practice, but as you’ll see its best to wait until you are but no choice to quickly jump over him.

Another thing to watch out for is “underestimating” Gaber’s abilities. Some of them can fly, jump, and throw snowballs which brings me to this tip:

Another Gaber Tip

Observe a Gaber from a safe distance (for example: one platform away). Each Garber has one skill so observe what it seems to be doing.

  • Is he flying?
  • Is he throwing snowballs?
  • Is he pacing?

Once you have his little “ability” down, it’s a lot easier to plot how to avoid him. Plus remember, in this game you CANNOT KILL A GABER. Don’t waste your lives trying to pounce on him, or tapping buttons hoping to find some sort of Gaber Gun (there just isn’t one).


The game gives the option of using either the arrow key or the spacebar, however I personally suggest using both.

Press the space bar to jump, and simultaneous quickly tap the arrow key in the direction that you’re headed. In some cases, it even helps to press the spacebar and simultaneously tap the “Up” arrow key for more height.

Another way to gain more height is to hold down the spacebar longer than you would for a quick jump.

In all of my experiences the spacebar has allowed me to jump significantly higher than the “up” arrow key.

Basic Controls

Other than jumping, the controls are pretty simple. Use the left and right arrow keys to guide your Snuffly around.


When on an iceberg do not procrastinate your next move! It is important to quickly decide the next step once on an iceberg because if you take too long it will start to melt. Once melting you must go quickly, or you will end up submerged in water and lose a life.

Your Life

You get three lives, which is symbolized by the little red hearts on your screen. As you progress there are way to gain lives, one is to collect the little “heart” symbols.

The heart symbols are usually placed up higher than the gems, and in some cases (like on the slide toward the end of the first level) are quite hard to collect as you’re sliding at such a fast pace.

In some cases, you can retrace your steps and go back to collect a gem or heart although turning around like that is not possible on the slide, so try to get it right the first time!

Quick Life Tip

Need an extra life? Type: “stalactites”. Pretty handy during the second – third part of the game. However, use this trick with care being that it only works once per game.


When your Snuffly is wearing an helicopter his jumps are easier to control, which makes your navigation easier as well. With that trusty little helicopter hand its easier to collect gems, avoid Gabers, and dodge snowballs.

Point System

  • Heart = 50 points (per heart)
  • Gem = 10 points (per gem)
  • Bonus time: 1 point (per remaining second saved)


You start each level with 200 seconds, however points wise its smarter to focus more on collecting hearts and gems. The reason? Well 5 points for 5 saved seconds, is much less than the 50 points you’d get for spending that time collecting a heart.

The Don’t list

  • Don’t fall in the water.
  • Don’t try to kill a Gaber (you can’t, trust me).
  • Don’t fall in the water (appears in levels 2 – 3).
  • Don’t touch the stalactites.

Here are a two other things to watch out for: don’t fall in the water and don’t touch the stalactites! You will start encountering water in level 2 and stalactites in level 3.


Need to move a boulder forward? The trick is to run backwards. I know it sounds odd, but with practice you’ll be able to do this accurately.

Have fun playing! – Faerie_prynces

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