Kiko Match II Guide by livmin

I get 3,000np a day (yes, a *day*!) from Kiko match, and it’s very simple to do.

First you have to remember that the score you send will be half the neopoints you earn, so 500 points = 1,000np. Irritatingly, theis doesn`t go
up to 2,000np on days when Kiko Match is the game of the day, but never mind.

I find that the easiest thing to do is to start with the top right hand corner, and in a methodical way i will go down each column opening up all the squares on the board until I have found that one. For example, if the top right square is a pink kiko, I will go through the whole board looking for the pink ones, and remembering where the other pink ones are. Once I have found and cleared all the pink ones, I move on to the square directly underneath the top right hand corner, and start again. I find this process much easier than trying to remember each individual colour separately, as it can be a bit confusing, and goodness knows, I`ve got a memory like a sieve!

The grey “angry kikos” (as I call them) are harder to find in the later levels because there are more of them, usually about 3 or 4 pairs, and similarly, the red “mean” kikos and yellow “sad” kikos are also quite numerous. I often find it easier to wait until I’ve cleared the board a bit before I find these.

Anyway, like I said, I get 3,000np this way every single day, so I hope this helps! – livmin

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