Jungle Book 2 Solutions by L. Daxter

Jungle Book 2This only works for the intermediate level, but once you get the hang of it you should be able to solve the puzzle in 2 – 5 moves. Three games take thirty seconds, and that’s 1,500 NP in half a minute. Nice, right? First, just a note: This game is just like Lights Out, if you’ve noticed: When you click on a space, that space and the four to the top, bottom, right and left change.

Okay, to start out, choose the Intermediate level (duh). The game board is a 4X4 grid of squares that are either leafy or non-leafy.

Look at the top row. Are there any non-leafy spaces? Click on the space right below them; don’t worry what kind the space you click on is.

Then look at the second row. For any non-leafy spaces, click on the spaces in the third row right below them.

Repeat for the third row, clicking on spaces in the fourth row. Your puzzle should now have all leafy spaces.

This method is the simplest way of solving Jungle Book 2. There are other methods for other levels, but they involve matrix algebra.

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