Jolly Jugglers Solutions by lupes_are_kewl3

Welcome to my Jolly Jugglers solutions. It took me hours to put it all together, so please if you don’t like it don’t be so mean about it. You can neomail me HERE with your comments. I hope this guide helps you get to the last stage. The objective of this guide is to help you keep all of your 3 lives the lives you will get during the game, so that in the end you will be able to beat the Boss and maybe get a trophy! This guide will explain you step by step what you need to do in order to keep your lives. This is a game of patience and strategies. Hopefully this guide will help you =). If you have any questions or anything you’d like me to add feel free to neomail me.


X’s: Mark the spot where you have to be in order to fire or just stay and wait.
Numbers: Mark the step order.
Jump-fire (or jump and fire): Jump and fire at the same time. Press the up arrow key and spacebar to fire at the same time.
Switch-fire: Meaning switch characters then fire.
Jump-fire-switch: Jump, then fire your opponent, then switch.

First, let’s learn the basics of the game. Below is a chart of what you need to collect. The enemies of course are obvious: the Slorgs, Draconacks and Tennas. To gain more bonuses, try destroying all of the enemies.

These are your characters: Jolly and Olly. In order to switch characters you need to press the Z key.

Here’s a chart of the bonuses you need to collect. For every bonus you collect you get 2 points and a special bonus. Try collecting them ALL. In order to obtain them you need to destroy enemies. For each one you get one bonus.

Now it’s time to look at every stage. Here are the parts you need to be aware of.

1st square on the left: Each number represents the step order. For instance, number 1 is the first move you have to make. All you need to do is wait until the first green Slorg is on the opposite side, then jump (up arrow key, to go left use the left arrow key and the right arrow key to go right and the down arrow key to go down) and fire (spacebar). Be patient. This game isn’t timed. So take your time. Each X represents where you have to be in order to fire. Make sure you do it quick because the Slorgs are fast, but they give you enough time to fire.

2nd square on the right: First, jump and fire at the same time to destroy the purple Slorg. Then quickly fire to kill the green Slorg below and jump immediately to catch the bonuses. Then jump to where the purple Slorg was and then fire again as soon as the green Slorg comes to you. Then see the red X? That’s where you have to stand and wait for the green Slorg above. And you are done. Now take a deep breath. And relax.

Ready for the second part? First off all. This is just my game. This doesn’t mean you will get the same color order.

Left square: Examine your enemies and moves. You see the purple Tenna? Well just jump to the X and fire quickly, then go down (red way) and wait there for the other Tenna and repeat the same step.
Right square: Go to the orange X you see there and wait until the purple Slorg is on the other side (shown on pic) then jump and fire and you are done with the second part.

This is the last part of Stage 1. Don’t get frustrated. This game is not as hard as it looks. Just avoid the enemies and don’t let them hit you. So far you should have all of your lives and you should be intact. 100% everything.

First, you need to destroy the Tenna. In order to do that. Jump until the last orange X you see there, then quickly jump and fire (make sure the Tenna is on the spot you see in the screenshot). After that just destroy the Slorgs from the same orange spot. And then go to the Exit. Congrats! You are done with Stage 1. Easy eh?


The game gets a little harder, but still easy to pass without risking any of your lives.

Left Square: The first thing you need to do is jump and fire to destroy the purple Slorg. Then go to the spot where the purple Slorg was (second orange X) and then wait until the green Slorg is on that spot (show on pic) then go to the third orange X and fire quickly. (Don’t forget to collect the bonuses.) Then jump again and fire to destroy the purple Slorg on the top, then go down again and fire again to destroy the one all the way on the left. Watch out for the green Draconack.

It’s okay if you lose armor or a life at first. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. At first, I used to get a score of 400, now I get a 2,000 score.

So, keep going up and you will see a Tenna on the left side. Fire to destroy it and collect the bonus. Then go up. After that you will notice that another Tenna appears below. (See 2nd pic on the right.) Carefully, go down(3rd pic below) and fire to destroy it, then go up again.

Okay, this part if pretty easy. Keep going up until you get to the square-cloud shown in the pic.

Left square: Wait until the purple Slorg is on the other side, then jump to where the orange X is and fire. Do the same with the green Slorg above.

Right square: Remember where the green Slorg was? Okay, that’s your temporary headquarter spot. Destroy one Tenna at a time. In this case we’ll destroy the green Tenna first. Just follow the orange arrow. Go up fire and destroy the Green Tenna and go down immediately. If you’d like to collect the bonus, just jump to the left to catch it and go down immediately or stay there and fire to destroy the purple Tenna.

If you don’t collect the bonus, wait until the purple Tenna gets to the left spot and destroy it just like you did with the green Tenna.

The 3rd step is shown in purple. Jump to that little spot (behind the purple Tenna shown on pic) then fire the Slorg and Draconack at the same time and collect the bonuses. Then jump from there and fire at the same time to destroy the green Slorg and done.

Finally the last part you need to know for Stage 2. If you follow right, so far you should have 3 lives and 100% armor. Or 50% armor.

For this one you just need to jump-hit-jump-hit. You see the orange X’s? that’s where you have to be in order to fire. The head to the exit and you are done with Stage 2!


First part pretty easy. Either you fire from there (wait for the Slorg to come to your side) or jump to the first X and fire. Then go up, jump and fire, then go up, jump and fire again. Don’t forget to collect the bonuses.

Second part, easy also. This is the way I do it. Jump and fire first to destroy the purple Slorg.

First thing you need to do is get rid of the Tenna on the very left. No matter the color. So for that jump to the first X spot and jump a little bit and fire. Then go back to the first spot where you destroy the purple Slorg and wait for the other Tenna and repeat the step until you’ve destroyed them all.

This part is a bit tricky and be careful because you may lose a life here. Here’s the way I do it.

The easiest alternative is the way shown by the orange path. Make sure the Draconacks are on opposite sides. Or you can follow the path of the red color. Or come up with your own. To kill the Draconacks that are together (green and purple) you have to be very fast. In this case, you will switch to Olly and fire the purple Draconack because it’s the one that will come towards use first, then immediately switch (Z key) to Jolly and fire the green one. Don’t forget there’s another one behind you, so either jump or go up to the little square-cloud again. After that just go up and destroy the Slorgs.

This is the last part of Stage 3. It looks long, but once you are familiar with it, it’s a piece of cake.

Left square: Remember where you destroyed the purple Slorg last time? From there keep going up until you reach that square-cloud. Then jump and fire (press up arrow key and spacebar to fire at the same time) to destroy the Slorg. Always collect the bonus if you can.

Right square: Keep going up until you reach the square-cloud on the right. Watch out for the Draconack! Then go up and destroy the purple Slorg. And now guess what! You’re done with Stage 3! Easy, wasn’t it?


Easy way to start.

Left Square: First jump and fire and collect the bonus. Then go up the square-clouds until you get to the one on the top. Then just fire and collect the bonus.

Right square: Then jump to the X and then fire, then the 2nd step is to jump and fire, then hurry up to collect the bonus.

Very easy. All you do is get to that spot (circled in black) and wait for the Draconacks to be on the right side and then fire. Repeat the step for the rest

Again, very easy. All you do is get to that spot (marked in X orange) then wait for the Tennas to be on the left and fire. Do the same with the green one or vice versa.

After that follow the red path. Go up, then up again, then jump and fire to destroy the green Slorg. And done.

After you are done with the steps above, keep going up until you reach that square-cloud. Then go up and fire to destroy the purple Slorg and follow the orange path. To destroy the green Slorg, fire while jumping.

For this one. Keep going up, then stay at that X spot and fire quickly, then jump and fire while jumping. Don’t forget to collect the bonuses!

For this one all you need to do is follow the orange path. For that you have to wait until one Tenna gets to the right side. Then follow the red path to escape. And repeat these steps to destroy them all.

This one is very easy. Just do the jump-fire. Jump and fire at the same time for all of them. 100% guarantee you won’t lose any armor or lives. If you do it right. Remember the X marks the spot where you have to be in order to fire.

For this one, You have to wait until both Tennas are on the left side. Then go to the orange X spot and fire from there. If you miss you can escape throw those holes you see in between those blocks or just jump if the Tenna is at your level.

This one is easy also. Get to that square-cloud spot. Then jump the X orange spot and fire quickly. Then jump to other X and fire quickly again. Make sure the Slorgs are on the opposite side so they won’t hit you.

You have to destroy the purple Slorg first. That way it won’t hit you when you destroy the green Slorg and you collect the bonus. So all you do is fire while jumping then as soon as you hit the ground, fire again to destroy the green Slorg, then hurry up and collect the bonus. And go up to the exit. Yay! You are done with Stage 4!


Welcome to Stage 5. You are almost done with the game!

This is your test for velocity. You HAVE to be very fast in switching characters( Z key). All you need to do is stay on that spot shown in the pic and wait for the Draconacks to come. Then fire at them in the order they come. For that you’re going to have to switch very fast so get ready! Look at the zoom out. After that walk a little bit and do the same with the Tennas and don’t forget to collect the bonuses!

After you are done with that. It isn’t over. There’s a purple Draconack and a green Tenna that will come from above. Either skip them or go back to the very first spot and do the exact same thing.

This one is a bit tricky. Be careful or they can hit you.

Focus on the left screenshot. Follow each number. First jump and fire, then once you hit the ground, jump and fire again to destroy the first green Slorg on the right. Then go up, jump-fire and up again. Then be careful when you turn because you could fall down. Then jump-fire again. Now you are on Step 4(green path). First jump-fire to destroy the purple Slorg. Then fire to destroy the other purple Slorg, then jump to collect the bonuses.

The screenshot on the right, shows you a close up of the first steps.

This one is easy to understand. Just jump-fire at first to destroy the first two Slorgs. Then go up and jump-fire to destroy the purple Slorg, then follow the X’s, but make sure you fire quickly. You might lose armor here unless you get the shield. If so, take advantage of it and fire fast!.

Just jump-fire and then go up to the exit and you are done with Stage 5!


Stage 6 is a long stage and at first I lost almost all of my lives, but after a while I started gaining about 5 on this stage. So I call this stage: “The Lucky road.” Most of my friends have gotten tons of lives or rockets. I hope you do, too. Thank you for taking a look at my guide, I appreciate it!

This is a fun part. Just keep going up and to destroy the Draconacks all you need to do is switch-jump-fire. Meaning, as you soon as you jump onto their area, destroy your first Draconack, then jump, then switch or fire (depending on the color order). Below it shows you how it works. Pretty easy and fun.

This part is pretty easy. Look at the spot where my characters are in the picture. That’s where you are going to fire. Wait until the Tennas get on the left side (shown in pic) and fire!. The screenshot on the right shows you how you can pick up your bonuses. Watch out for the rest of the Tennas! Pick your bonuses up before they hit you. If you get “Trapped” you can escape using the exit right next to the square-cloud on the left. Or on the ledge.

Once you are done destroying the Tennas, go up to that X spot as soon as you see the two purple Tennas on the very left (it’ll give you time to get set) once the purple Tennas hit that spot (where the green Slorg is) fire!. Then destroy the green Slorg. And quickly collect your bonuses.

After that, go up until that X spot. Then jump-fire to destroy the Slorg. Then jump onto those 3 square-clouds. I usually end up in the middle, but it doesn’t matter. Then go up to the first one and then jump-fire. Then go up and do the same to destroy the green Slorg.

This is easy. After you are done with the above steps. Go up until you reach those square-clouds. Then go up and jump-fire.

Now, keep going up until you reach that square-cloud. Then as soon as the Slorg is moving towards the opposite, jump to that X spot and quickly fire. Then go to the square-clouds on the left and jump-fire.

After done the above go up and destroy the Slorg that’s on the first orange X area(look at pic). Now you have 2 options.

1) From there jump can turn to the right, then jump-fire both Slorgs.
2) Or turn right, jump-fire the Slorg on the right and follow the orange path.

After destroying the last Slorg (above) just keep going up and follow the color paths. Now be careful. When you get to the last area. Make sure you are far enough from the purple Slorgs, or they’ll hit you. Use jump-fire here. And then go to the exit. WEEE, you are done with Stage 6!!


In this Stage, you will say bye-bye to everything, except the bonuses and your characters.

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Now, you have to be very fast on this one. Just follow the paths. First, wait for the Tenna to get on the very right. Then fire, then escape (shown in the pic are to exits). Then you have 2 choices. Either risk it and wait for the two Tennas to get on the right and switch-fire quickly then escape. Or, wait until they’re on the very left, then jump-fire-switch. Pick the one that’s easy for you.

Now, you have to destroy more Tennas! How fun!. All you do is stay on that X spot and jump-fire from there. Be patient.

Now, go up until you reach that spot, then jump-fire to destroy the purple Slorg. Then jump onto the square-cloud, then jump-fire to destroy both Slorgs.

Keep going up until you reach that spot where my characters are. Now be very careful here. Carefully, jump a little and fire, and do the same to destroy the other Slorg. Then get on the very border of the square-cloud and jump to where the green Slorg was (look at pic). Then jump-fire again to destroy both Slorgs and do the same for the Slorgs on the top.

For this one follow the paths. First follow the orange path and keep going down and fire to destroy the first line of Draconacks. Then, do the same for the second line, but be very fast.

On the first line there are 3 purple ones. So make sure you destroy those ones first. And on the second line there are 3 green ones. So make sure you destroy those first.

Go up and on the way just jump-fire and jump-fire. Follow the color paths. The pink path shows an alternative that I recommend. To destroy those green Slorgs, jump-fire from there. That way when you jump to the other side, you won’t hit them. Then go to the exit and done!


There are many ways to beat the Boss. You can hide on any corner. But first you have to examine where it hits and how long it takes to hit. It usually takes about 1-3 sidewalks before he launches its rockets. Until then you need to fire as many times as you can. Don’t forget to pick bonuses that land on the very top. To avoid the Boss’s rockets. You can go to any corner where it rockets cannot get you. Or you can go to the very top and jump jump. It helps a lot if you get the jump bonus. Good luck!

I hope you found this guide helpful. This doesn’t guarantee you a trophy, but if you have patience and follow step by step, you can get very far! This guide can guarantee you (also depending on your abilities) not to lose any lives. It will help you get a higher score and hey maybe you can get a trophy! It’s all up to you. Practice and practice.

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