Jelly Blobs of Doom Guide by cutiegirl31991

Jelly Blobs of Doom is one of the games that came along with jelly world. You cant look it up in the gaming section so for those of you that are wondering what I am talking about you can find jelly world at The basics of the game are that you are a Chomby sliding around trying to eat as many jellies as you can without being swallowed by a jelly that is bigger than you are. If you have ever played Katamari Damacy it is the same basic idea.

The first thing you have to do is blow up the screen in which you are playing the game to as big as your computer screen will show. When you do this it is a LOT easier to see if the jelly you are aiming for is too big or just the right size.

If youve looked at the game you know that you control the Chomby using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The only problem is that once you get headed in one direction you just keep sliding, this is what they mean by the floor is covered in jelly. To help get rid of this effect simply press the arrow in the opposite direction you are sliding, this will help you stop much faster.

When you first start out you are tiny and it seems like there is only one type of jelly that you can eat, the super tiny size that is hard to see. Fortunately this is not the case! You can also eat the next size up when you start out, but never try to eat a jelly that is bigger than your body. If you feel that youre cutting it close with size, dont eat it.

Dont get overconfident; Ive done this far too many times as I am just restarting a level. You have to remember that you are smaller than when you died. I know that this is frustrating but all it takes is patience.

Try to stay in the middle of the screen, the closer you are to the sides the more likely some giant jelly is going to come along and catch you by surprise. You have no time limit in this game so just be patient and dont play it too risky. However if you choose to go near the sides remember that when you slide off to one side that you will appear from the opposite side. This can be helpful if youre near the top and see a prime bit of jelly at the bottom. You simply pop out the top and then youll appear at the bottom, much closer to your prey.

Dont try to move too much either. It is easier to maintain control when you just hit the arrow key a couple times in one direction, you move slower, less, and you have much more control over where you go.

The short version of this is:
-Have the game window as big as possible
-Be cautious
-Try to stay in the middle
-There is no time limit so stay calm
-Dont go into large slides, if you do, press the arrow in the opposite direction.

Hope this helps, and have fun! – cutiegirl31991

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