Jelly Blobs of Doom Cheats

Make the jelly move faster

After you’ve eaten the fish negg and rainbow negg type bignegg and the jelly will move faster. – sakhee

Easter egg

Type ‘marissa’ (without quotes) at the screen that says ‘Press Space Bar to Continue’ for an easter egg (surprise)! The easter egg is a caption that says, “Are you happy now?” – Maketakunai

Moonwalking Chomby

If you’re bored, here’s something fun to do. When there is a lot of space to move around, press your left arrow and begin to move to the left side of the board. Then, press your right arrow key while holding down the left. The Chomby will turn around, yet continue to move to the left! Walla! You have yourself a moonwalking-Michael-Jackson-imitating Chomby! It doesn’t help your game any, but it sure is funny to watch! – Anita Laff

Giant random blob

While playing Jelly Blobs of DOOM, start typing randomly on your keyboard. Keep doing this and BIG blue jelly blobs will come out and say something like, “You shouldn’t type random text!” – Messs17

Make special neggs appear

– Type in fishnegg while playing and a fish negg will pop up on the screen. If you get it, you get 50 points but the fish negg only lasts for about 6 seconds and only occurs once per game.
– Type in rainbownegg while playing and a rainbow negg will pop up on the screen. If you get it, you get 20 points but the rainbow negg only lasts for about 6 seconds and only occurs once per game.

Did you also know that if you make a mistake while typing in ‘fishnegg’ or ‘rainbownegg’, you can clear it by random typing, and getting the giant blue blob? When the blue blob is gone, you can re-type ‘fishnegg’ or ‘rainbownegg’ and the negg will appear. – Marsquar – Fool hi

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