Hungry Skeith Guide by pr3mium

First of all you need a score of 1000+ to get the avatar. Some people say that jelly processing plant was easier but I believe Hungry Skeith is easier. You don’t have to worry about all the ice cream combos.


red jelly or carrot thing = 3 points
blue jelly = 5 points
green jelly or radioactive cake thing = 8 points


Alright if you have very bad reaction time and hand eye coordination, you will most likely not be able to get this avatar (unless you practice a lot).

Now then, you need to get familiar with the factory. To put the red jelly in the red bin and you are by the conveyer belt all you need to do is press UP on your keyboard, for blue UP and Right, and for green UP, Right, and Right. To pick up a jelly you press space. To let go of one press space. So to put a green jelly in the green bin just press Space, UP, Right, Right, and Space. The foods, don’t worry about them just leave them alone.

Alright enough of the basics. On the first 3 levels you should only get green jellies and blue jellies. No red ones! If you are ok at this game try to go for only green and blue jellies till the 4th level. The more green and blue jellies you get the better your score. In the later levels you will be getting lots of green jellies so you want to get as many as you can in the beginning. When you get carrots and food in the later levels you will be glad because it gives you a very short break. So you don’t lose your chances on the first few levels with the carrots, pick them up using SPACE and then press UP and LEFT. It will put you over the conveyer belt so you can drop it. But once the carrots start building up it gets a little tricky.

– pr3mium

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