Hungry Skeith Game Guide

A revamped version of the Jelly Plant Processing game, this game plays in pretty much the same fashion. However, rather than ice-cream, we now place miscellaneous items into the corresponding color coded vats such as cakes, radishes and jelly blobs.

We are provided with three vats. A red, blue and green (from left to right order). The food items fall from a conveyor belt onto the end where we have to pick them up and sort them out. Green items placed correctly give back more points than blue items, which give back more point returns than the red items.

As the player progresses through the level, the conveyer speed becomes increasingly faster than the previous level. Therefore, to ensure that time is not wasted, the player will need to remember how to automatically assume the correct vat position to place in their items. After grabbing the desired item with the press of the space bar key on your keyboard, pressing up will position the player automatically above the red vat. Pressing up then right will position them over the blue vat and pressing up, right, right will position them over the green vat.

After dropping in the item, press down then move all the way left back next to the dropping pipe if time permits.

As a general rule, any item which does not fit into the three color coded vats such as cakes and ice creams will need to be fed to the Skeith. Left to their own devices, they will reach their destination anyway so there is no need to pick them up.

There is an added option of delaying items by picking them up off the bottom conveyer belt and placing them back at the top. I strongly advise against this as it comes back to bite the player on the behind. Not only does it clog up the belt later on making it difficult to sort out the correct items, it makes it difficult to pick up the desired item.

Each game allows the player 5 mistakes before the game is over. Good luck!

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