How to Know When to Report Someone by Nick McCormick

Hello There, have you ever reported someone? Can you remember what it was for? Well, this article is to show you silly stupid reasons why people have reported me and why you shouldn’t report people for silly reasons. I have been on Neopets for 28 months, I have seen a lot.

1. Think about what the person did to you. Was it really that bad? Did they just call you “weird”? “funny”? Please, is it really that bad? Should I report them? If they swore at you and no one caught it – YES Did they just call you one of the names mentioned above? Don’t bother reporting them.

2. Harassment. Have they been picking at you? Getting you really angry? Then report them. If you are trying to play Neopets, and someone is annoying you where it gets to stalking, yes, report them. Exception – If you started it, then they could report you.

3.Asking for your password? YES YES YES! REPORT THESE SCUM IMMEDIATELY! Neopets will NEVER ask you for your password! They have it in their computers! Why would they ask you? Don’t fall for the pas$$word or p@ssword trick. That is just trying to pass Neopets security.

5. How to Report People – DO NOT write Neopets like this:


They will most likely laugh and ignore the request. Now, to get their attention, ask them like this:

Dear Neopets,

My username is SOANDSO and I am reporting SOANDSO2. They have (what ever they did to you goes here). (Details of the offence go here).

Thank You Very Much,

5. Remember that just because you report someone does not mean they will get frozen. Neopets’ monitors will check their accounts for the freezable offence you are reporting them for. Woe befall anyone who goes around reporting people for fun.

This concludes this article, the lesson here is to really think about what you are reporting. And Report it Right. Thank You! – Nick McCormick

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