How to Get Your Account Back by Cuttiebug101

You my have been hacked or scammed but did you know you could get your account back? Well you can but they may had taken some items or NP but you can get rid of them just read this article and do what it says!

1. If you login three times and the Bad Password screen shows up all times then you probably lost your account!

2. Act fast!

3. Type your username in the Forgot your password box.

4. You will soon get the new password in your email inbox. The hacker or scammer probably changed your password so they could keep your account!

5. Get into your account quickly using the new password.

6. Change your password ASAP* so that the hacker or scammer can’t get back into your account!

* To change your password go to Help and click the banner under the pink Kacheek.

This happen to me and I got my account back but like I said there may be a few things missing! 🙁

Thanks for looking at my article! – Cuttiebug101

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