How To: From Poor to Rich at Neopets by evil_kittie101

Rich NeopianThis is just another guide that probably won’t help you. Well, maybe it will and maybe it won’t. Most people just sit there and think that the money will just make itself. Wrongo! Here is a small to-do list everyday, and if you work hard, you can get some good stuff.

Go to your shop till and take out all the neopoints.

Go to all the free places:

  • Tombola
  • Fruit Machine
  • Coltzan Shrine
  • Wheel of Excitement (not really free, but I’ve won a Bronze Scorchstone so it’s not bad.)
  • Healing Springs
  • Wheel of Mediocrity (I usually win petpets, which you can sell for a pretty penny)
  • Omelette (these are pretty rare)
  • Snowager (check ppt times)
  • And if it’s Christmas, the Advent Calendar





Play games. Do the ones you like, because if you like something you will usually do better at it. Don’t bother about how many neopoints it gives out, you will get enough if you play every day, because practice makes perfect you know.

Check the money tree for something good. This usually wont work, but it’s worth a try.

Join a guild. They will help. If you are already in one, then be more active and make friends. You can make friends in high places.

Do all the contests. Even if you’re sure you won’t win, if you do them all, you are bound to win something.

Check the chat boards for good deals. Sometimes you really can find good things at good prices. Remember, if you see something that seems to good to be true, chances are, it is. Check the Shop Wizard for the real price, then compare.

Only buy from the main shops (or really cheep ones) the book shop is a must. Garage sale too.

Read the Neopian Times. It gives some really good tips in the articles section.

Read PPT, if you have just been scanning it. Read EVERYTHING.

Collect your interest.

Put your money, no matter how less, and put it in the BANK! Never take anything out of the bank unless you really need it.

Take all your items and put them in your shop for a reasonable price. What do YOU think is reasonable?

If you do this every day you should come out with about 10,000 NP, more or less, by about a week. Remember, the more you play the better you become.

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