How to Become Rich by html_princess2000

After reading tons of get rich guides, I’ve decided to make my own.

I’ve read and re-read the printed out guides I have and I’ve found something they’ve all left out.

Do not spend your neopoints the second you get them! Remember, put at least half of your profit in the bank, the of half is for you to spend 😉 Now, I shall begin.

After you’ve made an account that suits you, you need to make four pets, you will receive 50 Neopoints per pet, it’s not much but that’s 200 added to what you start off with.

Next, don’t get your newbie pack and buy an item, and never have more than 10 items, if you do this, everyday you can get a cracker or a nerkmid, they sell for hundreds and thousands.

Then, you need to open a shop to at least size 4. Whenever you get a rare paintbrush, like a cloud, Halloween, or stripped, don’t sell it. If you want to paint your pet, then go ahead, but otherwise put it in your safety deposit box. It takes time but, that paintbrush might retire, and the price will rocket up.

Ok, the main and fun way to get neopoints is to play games. Meerca Chase, The Fungus Balls, Destruct-o-Match, Chia Bombers, Bumper Cars, Evil Fuzzles, Cheat, Cliff Hanger, Grundo Snowthrow, and Mummy Maze, are games that you should play everyday, if you want to play more, that’s even better! I get 10,000 Neopoints a day just by playing those!

Daily Activities- you should go to the following places EVERYDAY, you can win neopoints, pbs, faeries, codestones, dubloons, and more! The Wheel of Excitement, Healing Springs, Tombola, The Snowager, The Fruit Machine, Coltzan’s Shrine, and the Giant Omelette.

Also, you should put your pet in the Neo Lodge, that way it’ll become happy, and you’ll never have to feed it again!

I hope this helps you become rich! If you have any questions, be free to neomail me or e-mail me @ – html_princess2000

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