A lot of people on Neopets are rich or want to be. But are the people who are rich happy? Not all the time. This guide tells you how to rich and happy.
Step 1
If I’m not happy with it, than what’s the point? This is the rule that I go by. This is how I have made a lot of neopoints on Neopets. I may not be the richest but I am happy.
Step 2: Play Games
Many guides tell you that you should play lots of games. I have nothing against that advice but can’t you do that and be happy at the same time? I say play games you like and only send the scores when you know that you have done the best that you can do. If you haven’t, play the game again and if it is a game you enjoy and are good at it will be fun.
Step 3: Your Shop
Most people say sell things higher than the price that you bought them. Yes do that but are you proud of what your selling? Is your shop nice and present full are you selling things that you think people want and need or are you just selling junk that only newbie’s buy? Because people who have been playing the game for a long time have more money to spend which they will use if they want something.
Step 4: Buying Things For Your Shop
Are you looking at the wizard shop and going well I had better buy that because I can spend all my money and make just a little profit out of it? Well don’t the rule is: If I’m not happy with it, than what’s the point?
Why don’t we get something that you what to sell that you think others will want for a bigger profit if you think that it is to expensive than don’t get it remember you know best.
Step 5
Don’t forget the rule! – 18jem18