Hot Not to be Poor on Neopets by Vic

PPT Guide Editorialist

I once several months ago was a newbie and back then I had no help on how to budget and save and not waste my Neopoints. I had to learn the hard way on how to not waste my Neopoints and to save for better items so I have written a guide on how you can budget and become rich on Neopets and so you can buy those bigger better items!

Open a bank account: This is a must, to store all your spare cash that you earn through playing games and spinning the wheel of excitement. Placing your money in the bank will help it to gain interest and you wont be tempted to spend money on worthless items!

Open a shop: Once you have a few items (even if they are not worth much) open a shop. This is the best way to make Neopoints. Items you come accross through Tombola or on the ground or whatever you can sell and make neopoints. Put these neopoints in the bank.

Stockmarket: By now you should have gathered enough neopoints to invest in the stockmarket, even if you dont have many neopoints invest in shares worth 6np. If they go to 8np you have made a profit without doing anything! So invest as much as you can and sell when you feel ready to.

Safety Deposit Box: This is basically up to you, you can either sell the items you find on the floor or put them in your safety deposit box. It would be useful to save a few items for a rainy day if you ever got hacked or went broke but I would sell most of the items you find.

Forget about buying food and medicine: Does this sound heartless to you? No it will save you a heap of money. Go to the healing springs in Faerieland every half hour and after a few tries your pets will be fully healed and not hungry and this saves you vast amounts of Neopoints as medicine and food can sometimes get expensive.

Quests: I would not reccomend you start doing quests till you have about 10 000. I went broke the first time I actually got off the ground doing Kitchen quests but I have found snow faeries quests can win you rare items. Dont do quests that are over 1000 worth. The snow faerie can be unpredictable when giving out items.

Items: You see an item that you like? Think about it for a second, is this a new item? is it really expensive? is it popular at the moment? could the price go down? If it is a new item for example “rare” usukis were selling for about 90 000 that are now about 5 000 and the Lost Desert Paint Brush was selling for about 280 000 and now is at about 50 000 approx. So if you see an item you MUST have think about the possibilities that the price might go down in a few weeks so it might be worth waiting.

One tip from me would be to forget about creating a neohome until you are at about 100 000 thats just my thought because to make a really nice neohome its going to cost a heap of money and there are probably better things to spend your money on.

Well I’ve hoped this has helped! Please neomail me with any questions.

By mobilechick7

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