A wise man once said that we need to be aware of history or it will repeat itself. He was talking about wars and other such problems but the same can be said about neopets. I have been on neopets for at least 2 years. I have seen it come from a site with very few things to do to a giant site with millions of players. I wish I would have known what I know now because I could be rich. I wish I would have known that codestones would be worth 3ooo np now. If I had known these things I could have been rich but instead I am only middle class. Yet we need to remember what has happened because it still will happen. It can help us remember things like when neopets says that they will make something that is currently useless like plants do something. The same thing happened with faeries, spells, and codestones. These items used to be as cheap as food. No one believed that the battle dome would ever be finished so they didnt see a point in keeping these items. However when the battle dome did open those who kept these items became rich. So basically hang on to items that neopets say you will be able to use soon.
The next part of history to look at is books and movies. Books were as common as tombala items are now. They could be used over and over but the pets would get bored of them so the owners would sell them. Eventually they would just turn up on the floor. Suddenly out of the blue neopets decided to make them one time use items. Suddenly just like with the battle items they went way up in price. Videos where though useless until just 1 month ago they became rare books and once again every one who owned one became rich. So hang on to at least some of those tombala items because you never know what they could be worth some day.
Dont go for knew stuff. It never ends up being as great as it seems I remember when shoyrus were limited edition. I was so glad I got one when they first came out. I bragged to all the people on the site. Even to my brothers. The next week neopets announced that since the shoyrus were so popular they would make the unlimited. I was crushed and now I find that I spent 30 minutes making sure that I got that limited edition pet for nothing. Also in later history I remember reading on the pink poogle toy web site about usuki dolls. If you remember the “rare” ones could be sold for a lot but then once every thing settled down thy could be bought for a few thousand. So remember new stuff isnt all its cracked up to be!
There are many more things that could be said these are just the basics. If you want to find out more about the history you can go to news or neopian times archives. I hope you have learned as much as I have just while I was typing this. I am currently only a middle class neopian but if I had known these things I could have been a neomillionare. So let us review what we have learned: Keep things that are useless that will possibly become useful, hold on to common items, wait for new things to settle down! – yrdnal_2000