Guild Tips

Quick steps to a successful guild

Are you sick and tired of creating a guild that you have your heart set on making successful, then your heart is broken because you are having problems with getting people to join, well read these tips and bask in the glory of having a successful guild.

* Choose a theme. The first thing you want is a good theme so you can build your guild around it thus making it easy to build, e.g. battledome, Harry Potter etc.

* Choose a name. Once you have a theme it is easier to choose a name, Make the name a small but effective names that stick in your head, bigger names are really hard to get used to and are a put off towards guildless people.

* Description. The description can be used in many ways, it can be used as a status bar, an advertisement blog or you may even want to actually describe your guild in it, crazy thing to do but it actually works!

* Layout. You NEED a layout, guilds look outdated without a layout so don’t do it, a personalized layout is best to have but you can find loads of premade ones, which sometimes look better than personalized. If you want a personalized layout on your guild, all you have to do is go on the guild message boards, people are happy enough to make a premade layout for you, whatever you do, don’t pay for one!

* Get a webbie. Webbies are a must have in guilds these days and nearly every successful guild has one, freewebs is the best place to get a webbie, good templates, good resources, everything you need to make a webbie is there for you!

* Follow these tips. If followed like lost sheep, these tips should prove worthy of a successful guild and even more so… because I have a successful guild myself! – MancRida

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