Guide to Making a Lot of Neopoints by _neo_cat_lover_

A lot of people have made these guides; hopefully this will be the one you use. Lets get started, ok?

First: Decide how much money you want to make each day; it is ok to be under or over this amount.
Second: Decide how much money you want to make in a week; it is ok to be under or over this amount.
Third: Decide how much money you want to make in a month, it is ok to be over or under this amount.

I decided that I wanted to make at least 5,000 np a day, 35,000 np a week, and 140,000 np a month. How did I come up with these numbers? First I decided on a daily goal, the amount I wanted to make each day. Then I timed that amount by 7, to get the amount I wanted to make in a week. Finally I timed that amount by 4, to get the amount I wanted to make in a month. Please note that these are the numbers I chose, you can choose any number your heart desires.

The best way to come up with the second and third amounts is the way I used. If you decide to earn 2,000 np a day, and 10,000 np a week, it makes no sense. For if you are making 2,000 np a day, then you would have to make at least 14,000 np because 2,000 np a day times 7 days = 14,000 np a week.

Im sure you saw my monthly goal: 140,000 np and went WHAT THAT IS TO MUCH MONEY!! HOW CAN I MAKE THAT MUCH MONEY? Dont look at it by the monthly or even weekly amount, but by the daily amount, you only make 5,000 np a day, thats an average amount!

Now, onto the interesting part: How to actually make the money!

First: put all the money you have on hand into the bank! This is dead money! DO NOT TOUCH!!! We will start from scratch, with 0 np! Yes you heard me right, 0 np!

Now, to start we need to earn some money from the games!

Now, I understand that not everyone is very good at the games, so we will first do some games that anyone can do.

First: Faerie Crossword. This game is located in Faerieland, inside Faerie City. It is in the bottom left corner. How much money do you make from this game? Well, that depends on how fast you finish the puzzle. If you do it in less than 5 minutes, you get 600 np. If you do it in less than 15 minutes you get 400 np. If it takes you longer than 15 minutes, you only get 200 np. You should be able to get 600 np! To find daily answers to the Faerie Crossword go to: and it should be near the top. If it isnt the first news item there, scroll down.

So, play Faerie Crossword and get 600 np, then come back to this guide. So, now you have 600 np. Now, go to Faerieland and click on the Wheel of Excitement, you have to pay 150 np to spin it, but there is a good chance that you will get a good reward. What can you win? Well, there are 16 different prizes; they are listed below in order of worst to best.

1) Crossbones. Your active pet gets sick!
2) Fire Ghoul. When you get this, ALL of your neopets loose a lot of health.
3) Pant Devil. When you get this one of your items is stolen.
4) Lightning Bolt. When you get this one of your pets is hurt.
5) The Dark Faerie. When you get this she will either lower a stat on one of the abilities, if your pet has one, or cackle insanely if they dont.
6)/? This will give you an amount of neopoints under 100.
7) Light Faerie. If you get this, she will raise a stat on one of their abilities if your pet has one.
8) Heal. This will heal your pet.
9) Magic. This will give you a random magic item.
10) 100. This gives you 100 neopoints.
11) 200. This gives you 200 neopoints.
12) 500. This gives you 500 neopoints.
13) 1000. This gives you 1,000 neopoints.
14) 2000. This gives you 2,000 neopoints.
15) Secret Item. This gives you a random item.
16) 10000. This gives you 10,000 neopoints.

Yes, it is a risk to spin the wheel, but you might get lucky. I find that I usually get the random amount on neopoints or the 100, 200, or 500 neopoints. In this guide well say that we got the 200 neopoints. So, you win 200 neopoints, but you paid 150 neopoints to spin the wheel in the first point. So, all in all, youve one 50 neopoints. So now you have 650 neopoints.

The last numbers may need to be changed depending on what you won. If you got no money, than you are down at 450 neopoints. If you got an item, sell it!

Now, onto the next game! We will play Meerca Chase, but you may play anything you want to play! Now, usually you can get anywhere from 150 200 points in Meerca Chase. Always play on hard, its a waste of time to play on easy, medium is OK, but hard is the best. So go play Meerca Chase and send in a score of 150 200 points 3 times. In this guide well say you got 200 points 3 times, giving you 600 neopoints. So after getting 600 neopoints, you have 1,250 neopoints!

So thats all the games for now, so lets go get all of our dailies! First, The Healing Springs in Faerieland. Here your pets will either get healed, or you will get a Healing Potion or a Snowball. Click on ‘Heal My Pets’ and see what happens! If you get an item, sell it and add the total to your total neopoints earned!

Then, visit the Giant Omelette. You will get some kind of Omelette. You can get a:

Carrot and Pea Omelette
Sausage and Pepperoni Omelette
Bacon Omelette
Sausage Omelette
Cheese Omelette
Cheese and Onion Omelette

Please note that all prices are approximate. Sell the Omelette. Also visit the Giant Jelly and sell whatever you get there. The items you get for selling these items I wont add to this guides total, for it will be to hard.

Now go and get a shop. This costs 150 neopoints. So after you buy the shop, you have 1,100 neopoints. So, what do you do with this shop? You sell items in it of course! Where do you get the items to sell in your shop? In the main shops, random events, or games! What shops are good, and what should I buy? First, Go to the Chocolate Shop. Here you can buy chocolate! So, what do you buy here, and what do you sell it at? You buy:

Milk Chocolate Nimmos at 160 np, and you sell them a 210 np
Milk Chocolate Peophins at 330 np, and you sell them at 450 np
Milk Chocolate Lennys at 200 np, and you sell them at 700 np
Milk Chocolate Buzzes at 140 np, and you sell them at 800 np
Milk Chocolate Gelerts at 150 np, and you sell them at 190 np
Milk Chocolate Flotsams at 80 np, and you sell them at 550 np
White Chocolate Scorchios at 270 np, and you sell them at 400 np
White Chocolate Tuskaninnys at 100 np, and you sell them at 120 np

Theres probably a lot more in the shop, but these are the ones that I saw in there in the span of 20 minutes.

You DONT buy:

Milk Chocolate Korbats at 340 np, they only sell for 290 np
Milk Chocolate Wockys at 160 np, they only sell for 120 np
Milk Chocolate Usuls at 270 np, they only sell for 250 np
White Chocolate Pteris at 290 np, they only sell for 190 np
White Chocolate Skeiths at 290 np, they sell at the same price
White Chocolate Kacheeks at 300 np, they sell at the same price
White Chocolate Wockys at 250 np, they only sell for 100 np
White Chocolate Eyries at 120, they sell at the same price
White Chocolate Nimmos at 210 np, they only sell for 150 np
White Chocolate Peophins at 450 np, they only sell for 280 np

For the above two sections, please note that the buying prices are if you dont haggle at all. Its usually safe to offer 20 np under the selling price. If you get a DONT buy for under the selling price, sell it! Also, all prices are approximate and are of Tuesday, March 16, 2004.

So, of the above chocolates, which ones should you buy? Well, the Milk Chocolate Flotsams, and Buzzes have the best payoff, so go for those first. If you dont get them then go for the other chocolates. Now, off to the Chocolate Factory! Buy 2 Milk Chocolate Flotsams, 2 Milk Chocolate Buzzes, and 2 White Chocolate Scorchios and put them in your shop, price them, then come back here. I paid 60 np for each of the Flotsams, 120 np for each of the Buzzes, and 250 np for each of the Scorchios. All in all, I spent 860 np, meaning I only have 120 np left. So, we go to our shops and price the Flotsams at 550 np, the Buzzes at 800 np, and the Scorchios at 400 np. So, all in all I earned 3,500 np, meaning I had 3,620 np.

Were nearing the end of our goal! We only need to make another 1,380 np before we reach our goal of 5,000 np! So, how do earn the rest of the money? You have several options:

1) Buy low, sell high. Buy items in the main shops, and then sell them for a great profit!
2) Play games. Play lots of the games offered on Neopets, find out which ones youre good at! This alone can get you your daily goal of 5,000 np!
3) Stock Market. Buy a lot of stocks that are at 15, and then sell them when they get higher.

We still havent done all of our dailies. Next we can go to the Fruit Machine in the Lost Desert. You get one spin a day, and its free! Usually you loose, but you might win! If you win an item, sell it! Then, go to Coltzan’s Shrine. You could get money, items, a new level, or a strength gain. Then go to Mystery Island and do Tombola. Usually you can get some kind of booby prize. If its a booby prize, donate it to the Money Tree, if its a good prize, and then sell it!

Well, I think that thats really all I can do to help you along, the rest is up to you. I only have one final thing to say: never give up! – _neo_cat_lover_

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