Guide to 10,000 Neopoints Daily by kissie

Did you realize that you can earn 100,000 NPs in just 10 days? Yes, I said you. If you are one of the many that are aware of this fact already, then this article is not for you. This article is meant for those that state that they are poor. People in the game of Neopets are only poor if they are too lazy to do anything about how they play. Yea, I said lazy. Not a nice word when you think about it? However, with this guide, 90% of people should be able to earn at least 5,000-10,000 NPs on a daily basis within less than twp hours time. In fact, I’ll earn my 10,000 as I type up this article. So, let me time myself for each thing I do.

START: 10:45am: Suteks Tomb
This game may not be for everyone; however, with practice, you should be able to earn at least 1,000 off of each good game you play. The trick is NOT to submit your score until you have at least 2,500 points in the game. That translates to about 1,000 NPs. Also, do not hesitate to hit “Restart” if you find you are running out of time and do not have many points. I would personally suggest playing on full screen and the hardest setting. Don’t let anything distract you– even the music. I find that I play better in complete silence.
END: 11:00am – Earned 2,832 NPs

START: 11:20am: Destruct-o-match
This game may be harder than Sutek’s Tomb for some people. However, remember that this is NOT a timed game. So, if you need to, take extra time to try to plan out some moves. I usually more time on this game than any other Neopet game. I try to clear the first level before even thinking about submitting my score. I would recommend getting a score of at least 1,000 before submitting. A score of 1,000 NPs translates to 500 NPs. If you can’t clear a level, try to leave the level with 5 pieces. Leaving the level with 5 pieces will give you an extra 250 points when you start the next round. Though, I admittedly get lazy with game and submit when I score about 600. The clicking can get very annoying.
END: 11:40am – Earned 911 NPs

START: 11:50am: Meerca Chase
I hear a lot of people make good NPs off of this game on a daily basis. I’m admittedly not a good player of this game; however, I am going to give it my best effort to see what I can come up with after a few decent (by my low standard) rounds of this game. After a test round, it seems that the number of points you earn in the game are the number of NPs you earn overall. 🙂 I’m playing on the medium setting.
END: 11:55am – Earned 475 NPs

START: 1:00pm: Hannah and the Ice Caves
I’m not the best player in the world with this game; however, I can seem to get at least a score of 100,000 each time when I start from the tutorial levels. That usually gets me 1,000 per play.
END: 1:30pm – Earned 3,000 NPs

START: 3:00pm: Hubrids Hero Heist
I personally haven’t played this game in some time; however, I do remember it as something that was pretty easy to play and gave out OK NPs. So, this will be my last attempt in getting 10,000 for today. 🙂 Hehe. I’m not that great at this game.
END: 3:10pm – Earned 760 NPs

As you can see, I only played about 75 minutes worth of games. I earned a total of 7,978 NPs during that time. If I actually spent the last 45 minutes of the two hours playing other random games I could easily earn the last 2,022 NPs. The trick is to sometimes just play a ton of random games just to do it. Even if you aren’t at the game, you can still earn some NPs.

You may or may not earn a full 10,000 NPs every day; but, at the very minimum you can earn 5,000+ NPs. If you are serious about purchasing things you want, learn to sore away your hard earned NPs in the bank. Don’t forget to collect interest!

If these things don’t work for you, find games that you are good at. Most of what will help you earn NPs is playing those games that you know you can get at least 700-1,000 per try. Those NPs can really add up if you put in the little effort required. So, please don’t be lazy. Neopet players tend not to like lazy people that ask for handouts instead of working for what they want. Most people that have ‘cool things’ took the time and effort to earn it. They will respect you that much more if you take the time and effort to earn what you want.

Oh, so you just realized that I’ve only talked about games in this article? Well, games are only ONE of the many ways you can earn NPs… Maybe in a future article I will inform you of other ways you might not be aware of. 🙂 – kissie

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