Guide for Neopets 1 Player Battledome and Tips by thebluepo

To start off we start at training for the long run you have 3 choices in my order of preference here they are

#1: Secret Lab
Great if you have 1m you will have enough for the best (low level) set it is risky but it is good you have a good chance of leveling hit points but if you have a loved pet that you like the species it can be a bad thing (e.g. you have a pirate Krawk and it turns into a blue Blumaroo) but it can change a blue Blumarooo into a pirate Krawk its good and bad but I think its worth it (cost 450k-550k(no more than that).

#2: Mystery Island Training School
100-200 neopoints more than pirate better for the long run as it takes half the time but it levels only 1 level at a time sometimes 2. The lab is better cause it does 2-3 at a time.

#3: Academy at Krawk Island
Slow cheap and if you have a lot of time it is worth it if you are just about to leave use this other wise use the extra amount on neopoints and get Mystery Island.

I use all just use the lab once a day and use mystery island for rest when you are about to leave use the academy.

Ok now for weapons I’ll put up a few price ranges.

#0: 100-2999
Scarab ring and a bone scepter you will have to wait.

#1: 3000-6000
This is for the truly new which hopefully none of you are get a 2 scarab ring for 1.5k each (so far 3k) and a purple sticky hand for 2-3k (so far 5-6k) if you don’t have enough for sticky hand just use 2 scarab rings.

#2: 15000-25000
Get scarab rings sticky hand and jade elixirs stick with them for now and save up (approximately costs 15k-25k)

#3: 190k-600k
Ok you did you’re saving or like me just had the money ok here are two musts golden compass and scarab ring together they should cost 190k-200k unless a during a war plot in that case 500k (don’t buy at wars I repeat DON’T BUY AT WAR!!!!) Unless you are rich then in that case ok you can waste your money. With the rest get a purple sticky hand and a green scorch stone if you are using the lab map it’s good and will even it up in a 1 player battle if you are facing some one with more hp (e.g.. I face the highland Chia with 29 hp and 17 stats [the rest] and because of the scorch stone I won with ease [tips for battling later]) {no more jade elixirs.

#4: 1m-2m
Aha my price range first thing is first if you don’t have the lab map get it now!!! Then come back and read my guide. Ok now that your back you should have 500k-1.5m if you have 1.5m left read on if not got back to previous step 1.5m ok you are at a good place now you get the stuff mentioned and u have 900k-1m left here is really good because you can spend it on training now if you had the lab map for a while go raise your level to 50 will I’ll tell you more in battling guide.

#5: 3m-12m
Get what I said up there and a magical marbles of mystery and everlasting crystal apple (ok be realistic here if you have this much money your neopet has to be strong).

#6 Insanely Rich
You’re richer than nearly everyone on Neopets!!! Which probably no one is unless you cheat (which is bad don’t do it) or get it from a friend get a staff of the dark faerie Illusen’s staff the pea set thyoras tear and magical marbles of mystery (get the M.M.O.M. quick while its 8m if you reach the point) this should cost you higher than I can imagine over 3 billion neopoints no matter what the hp you will be invincible which don’t come after me please go after some one else.

Battle Guide:
For low level battling don’t fight anyone above the highland chia power (from 190k-2m).

You need to use fierce attack and scarab ring and golden compass if you run low use jade elixir (or green scorch stone) keep using this and you will not lose or if you have a E.C.A. (everlasting crystal apple) just use it and golden compass and u can defeat Meuka with ease.

Go to neolodge if you have 1k to spare (1k=1000 if you didn’t know) and get your pet to stay there for 28 days at 5 nps each at 140 np’s or if you want your pet to be happier get a batter one than cockroach motel it will be bloated for 28 days and you can still fight it’s a great way to save np’s. If you want to be protected while healing so you can heal fully use a thick smoke bomb which blocks every icon 100%(no damage) while healing for a great impact on your weakened opponent (unless they heal too and do this in which case u just wasted your money).

Last but not least use a battle partner (some one who you can fight for sparing or fun) (a rival who is equal to you not too strong or too weak).

I made this guide with help from my cousin and users who were also new battlers (which I beat all except the one with the e.c.a. who helped me find this strategy) and PPT for putting this up (hopefully). Comments or question like to beat a certain person neomail me at thebluepo also for those who wants to know I had 20 hp and 12 and all stats before I beat the ghost Lupe.

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