Grand Theft Ummagine Solutions by Magenta

Written by Magenta
Finally a game for us puzzle lovers! (Well, other than Faerie Caves). The great thing about this game is that you can lose as often as you want, and it doesn’t count against you. That leaves you free to explore and try out new things.

The game becomes easier once you learn how the Guards move, so you can better avoid and outsmart them. The first rule is that if you are within their “awakening distance” the Elephante guards will move up and down the screen to follow you unless there is something to block them from moving up and down. At this point they won’t move left or right any more unless you come back into line with their left or right. I will refer to an elephante stopped at a block as being “trapped” and as walking in line with a trapped elephante as “releasing” him. The elephante will also move left or right if he manages to catch up with your position on the “up/down” axis as you run from him.

Also, there are two magic items in this game. The potion allows you to change into a guard for a few moments. The guards will come after you until they run into you, and you can’t be hurt by them until you change back. The ring makes you invisible. The guards won’t come after you, but will kill you if you run into them.

The End of the Desert
No picture needed, just walk forward until you are in line with the ummagine, grab the Ummagine and go to the square.

The Outskirts of the City
This level has two different possible “looks” but the strategy is the same. Go left and down, close enough to the elephante to draw him toward you, then walk around the blocks in the middle (clockwise), trapping him on the other side. Then you can freely grab the fruit.

The Last Oasis Before the City
This level can also have different “looks.” No set strategy, just get the elephante trapped somewhere so you can grab the fruit, then trapped somewhere else so you can go over the bridge in relative ease (or just make a run for the exit).

The Entrance to Sakhmet
The guard comes right at you on this level, so think fast! Move right as far as you can, then down. The elephante should get caught somewhere on the crossed blocks in the middle. If he is not on the right “arm” of the cross, move back up to get his attention, then back down. (Be sure to avoid the cracked floor, here, and near the bottom ummagine). Go collect your Ummagines. The second one is best collected fast, as it requires you to move far enough up to possibly “release” the elephante.

The Gardener’s Revenge
This level is just a maze, and a relatively simple one at that. You start at the bottom of a large diamond, you need to get to the top. Just roam around (use the arrows at the bottom left to show which directions you can go to help you know where you are) until you get to the very top point, where there is an ummagine. Its layout changes, so a walkthrough of it would be pointless.

Avenue of the Palm Trees
Don’t bother using the potion to get past this guard. Get him trapped on the bottom of the well (or obelisk) in the middle of the screen in the way you should be used to by now! Then go around and grab the fruit and potion, and walk over to the outlined squares to end the level.

Bridges Over Troubled Waters
Go up and across the top bridge, and up the “steps” to where the ring is. Be careful to stop before walking off onto the broken floor. Come back across the bridge and down to the bottom bridge. Walk down the bridge. Be prepared to use either the ring or the potion if you didn’t use it yet. Go left on the bridge, use the item, grab the ummagine, and go back along the bridge. Now come back to the partial bridge, avoiding the broken floor.

The Royal Gardens of Sakhmet
This level is a lot harder than the ones up until now. Avoiding cracked floors, walk all the way to the right screen. Go up and in between the Obelisks. You are now in: The Hidden Pit
Just collect all the fruit, and go to the blue square

Ok, back to the Royal Gardens

Go back to the first screen, avoiding cracked floors. Lure the guard next to the potion toward you, then head off along the path to the right. Keep going straight, until you are in line with the ummagine, then go up. This should draw the elephante into the 4 blocks, in the bottom left “pocket”.

Now go to the far right until you see another guard. Go down to the stone bridge, avoiding the broken spots. Lure the Elephante toward you, then make a beeline in the other direction toward the obelisks (avoid broken floors again of course.) Walk left when you get to the obelisks, and up just after you get past. The elephante will get trapped either between the obelisks or in front of one.

Continue left, only moving up one space to avoid the half bridge you entered on. Once back to the first screen, collect the potion.

***Very Important!*** Before going right from this screen, walk to the bottom to scroll the screen down (do not go across the bridge, however, as it’s broken). If you don’t scroll the screen down, going right again will release the first trapped guard.

Go back to the far right, and down. Grab the fruit on the other side of the stone bridge. Ignore the first bridge to the left. Go on the second bridge and around to get the ummagine. Once back on the ground, go down and to the left across the light water. Go up immediately when you reach land, otherwise you’ll fall in the hole. Grab the ring on the bridge, being careful not to go on the broken part of the bridge. Get ready to use the potion, and go left to the next screen. Use the potion and go through the doors. Whew!

The Three Halls of Insanity

You thought that last one was hard? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Ok, this one shouldn’t be so hard, if you know where to go.

Follow the lines in my picture, the rest are pits.

The red arrow in the second room takes you to the second hidden area

The Secret Temple
Just grab all the fruit, and go to the blue block

Back to the temple… On the last one, the red line should follow the blue back to the first red tile, then go down again along the prior zig zag pattern.

Kyrii Stan Meets the Kong Beast

Ok, don’t really understand that title. However, this level is fairly easy once you figure out a good technique. You start the level with an elephante headed right for you. Go down. There is a group of crates you want to trap the elephante in, you’ll need to move up and down the board to get him in there (releasing and trapping him until he goes in the “door”). Avoid the broken floor. Once he enters the “door” move down farther to get him behind the “top” crate. Now he’s good and truly trapped.

Go collect the second elephante, by going up to move him toward you, then back down to draw him through. Once he comes through the crates, go straight down and trap him like the first. Capture the third in the same way as the second (view the image to see where you should go, and where the elephante should go). Once they’re all trapped, go over and collect the stuff (watch out for broken floor) and come back to the red tile on the right.

The Treasure Chamber of Death
First, go straight down and pick up the potion. Come back up to the square you started on, and move straight right. When the elephante is trapped go around to the front of the 4 “tables” and to the right. You should have a ring saved from earlier levels, if you followed my walkthrough. If so, use it to sneak past the right guard and grab that ring, then quickly back out.

Now re-trap the elephante in the middle as shown, and go get the bagguss.

Then simply walk back to the tile in front of the obelisks.

Alternately, if you didn’t keep the ring, trap the elephante as shown, to go get the bagguss. Then re-trap it below the table it is on top of. Now go up in between the vases. The two elephantes should come to either side of the vases. Prepare to use your potion. Step down, and the guards will come toward you. Use the potion. Walk right and up, then right again to get the ring. You will have changed back, and the elephantes will be in between the vases or trapped against the bottom of them. Go left, past the crates, and then down, only as far as the first table. The two elephantes should now be trapped on the other side. Go down then up, to lure the other elephante in between the tables and trap him with the other two. Now you’re free to go to the red tile between the obelisks.

The Chambers of the Guards of Death
Go to the center of the five orange diamonds, then walk straight down to the left (down arrow). The elephante in the first room will follow you. Keep going without stopping, through the gap on the left side of the screen and down again (if you go up and then left on the other side of the toilet(?) there is the third bonus board:
The Hidden Chamber
Same as all the other hidden rooms…

Back in the Chambers… If you just did the secret room, go down, if you didn’t, you’ll already be below the gap. Hopefully the first elephante didn’t stop at the right side wall or get caught in the gap (he sometimes does that, and if he does, you pretty much need to start over) and now you have two elephantes on the other side of the wall who will follow you up or down. Walk up to the gap, and back down again after a slight pause, so that the elephantes stay in the gap. That’s two elephantes mostly taken out.

Now continue down into the room with the tchea fruit. After you go in the door, go left. Then go down, pick up the fruit and immediately back up so that the elephante on the right of the screen doesn’t go around the wall.

Go back out and up to the center of the 5 orange diamonds there. Go right, and after the screen scrolls right once go around the room with the ummagine, and grab it (watch for the broken floor above it). Go back out and up to where there is a long table with a vase at one end, and a broken floor to the left. go to the bottom of the table, and right, then immediately after the room scrolls, move back to the left of the table and up. The elephante in this area should come to the other side of the table. Now move up and back down to trap him at the top of the table. Go over and collect your sphinx links (watch out for the broken floor). Then go up the ramp, not pausing at all at the top before moving back down (the goal is to pick up the potion without having the elephante move toward you). This has to be done really quick, or the elephante will follow you. If he does follow you, all is not lost, it is possible (sometimes) to continue to the next part before he catches up.

Go down the ramp, and one square to the left before moving down a screen. When the screen scrolls, just keep going straight down to trap the elephante at the top of the wall to your left. Circle around and get the bagguss (being careful not to go in line with the elephante and “release” him or go more than one block below the wall, because that will scroll you down and the elephante down there will be on you really quick!).

Now you’re going to need the potion for the next part, so get your cursor over it and be ready to click. Go down to the final screen, and when the elephante gets near you (pretty much immediately), use the potion. Continue down to collect the puntec fruit, and to the rightmost orange square.

You’re through! Now wasn’t that easy?!

The Dungeons of Madness
This is nearly the same as Gardener’s Revenge except it’s a bit larger. Use the same technique.

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