Grand Theft Ummagine Cheats

“The Royal Gardens of Sahkmet” glitch

In the level ‘The Royal Gardens of Sahkmet’ there is a possible glitch. First distract the guard at the castle doors. The go to the side of the castle where there should be a shield-like object and if you walk towards it you may be able to climb on top. – titanium_oxide0

Astro signs

some levels, the walls are decorated with symbols. If you look closely, you can see a few astro signs! Nothing significant, just an interesting fact. – Caroline

The hidden staff member

On the main screen, click ‘Set-Up’. Then, towards upper right corner, there is a blobby thing on the border under the Ankh. Click it. You will find ‘The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy’! – knd1994123

Skip a level

Type in ummaginethief during the game. Doing this, however, will reset your score. – knd1994123

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