Gormball Tips

Easy Gormball win

After playing around with Gormball yesterday I noticed a very good way of winning the game. The win rate is probably about 80%.

Firstly, I stick with the character Thyassa as she has the best stats. If you’re the first one with the ball when the game begins then just click ‘2 seconds’ and click next as refreshing the page doesn’t work on the first go.

When the next player has the ball, hold down the ‘enter’ button for about 2-3 seconds and click next. Then let go of the ‘enter’ button immediately. Now you will notice that, for example, if Brian was the one holding the ball, it will skip to Ember or Ursula or even Brian again. You may also notice that there are a few wet puddles where players have already been hit.

When the ball goes to you, hit refresh as this almost always avoids you being hit. And continue the above technique.

Note: Don’t hold the’enter’ button for too long or else the likelihood of you getting hit increases.

If it says that you aren’t currently playing a game, then it means you’ve won (check your inventory to be sure).

Enjoy your new items and np! – Yaz

Good Odds

Here’s a cool trick! If a gormball explodes on a character and then you can wait up too 5 seconds, your odds of getting out are 99 to 1 actually 98% – JOYMURDOCK

Knowledge is powerful

When you play Gormball, count how many sec. past. (XXXX waited 1 second and throw the ball) When it’s your turn, you have to see how many second had past. If 1 sec. past, you can select 3 sec. If 2 sec. had pasted, you can select 2 sec. The number of second will add up later on. – Rebecca Dai Rebecca Dai

Pressing enter helps

When playing Gormball, try pressing the “Next” button continually, after doing this for awhile, you will end up with some extra points and several players down! If you get the “You are not play Gormball” screen, the game was either won or lost while pressing the “next” button, if you won, you should have some extra NP and an item in your inventory. – Xil

Save you rewards

When you play Gormball, have two windows open, one on the game, one on the bank, then as you get neopoints deposit them into the bank and that way, you never lose them. – Robert Colasanti

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