Good Abilities and What They Do by speckleburst

You take your pet to the battle dome with desperate hopes of winning just one battle. You give your pet it’s trusted Attack Fork and it’s lovely Improved Lightning Beam. How in the world could I lose this match? You wave good bye as your pet enters the dome…

The match is a total lost. Your opponent out did you by using abilities!!! He had some terrible items equipped yet he still managed to cream your pet into the dirt. Guess it’s time to go back to the drawing board, why not start with learning some abilities?

Abilities give your pet the upper edge in the battle dome. But how can you get abilities? Simply try to get a faerie. (There are six types- Fire, Water, Air, Light, Dark, and Earth) Then go to your items and bless your pet with the faerie. If your pet is at a high enough level, the faerie will bless it! If not, the faerie will fly away, all of your hard earned nps to get that thing will go down your neohome drain.

As far as I can tell, the level of your pet’s ability does not make the ability work better. The higher your level, the better your abilities will work! If you want to raise your pet’s abbility to a higher level take him or her to the Wheel of Excitement. You just might be the lucky and the LIght Faerie will raise a random ability of yours. (This rarely happens to me though)

Useful abilities- Here are some abilities, what they do, and what faerie you’ll need!

Dark Faerie Abilities

Drain Life- (Lv. 21-26) This abbility drains 10% of your oppents hit points and gives them to you! Use this on low, and you’ll get a good 10 hits out of your opponent
Sink- (Lv. 27-32) A good defensive ability. If you use this one strong, it will defend your pet against dark, water, light, fire and physical attacks

Light Faerie Abilities

Bless- (Lv. 7) Heals your pet (I never have good luck with this abbility)
Psychic Blast- (Lv. 13) Not many items defend against psychic attacks! Use it to squease past your oppenent’s deffence line!
Restore- (Lv. 21-26) On high It will heal 30% of your lost hit points

Water Faerie Abilities

Heal- (Lv. 1) It will heal some of your pets hit points, heals more depending on what level your pet is at.
Steam Shield- (Lv. 12) This will defend against some attacks. (I’d only use this if you can’t get Sink or Burrow, those defend against almost all of the attacks)

Earth Faerie Abilities

Magic Berries- (Lv. 6) It will give you berries. Each berry heals 9 hit points.
Burrow- (Lv. 10) A good defensive ability. If used on strong, it will defend your pet against dark, water, light, fire and physical attacks
Great Feast- (Lv. 19) It will give you apples. Each apple heals 2-14 hps
Regeneration- (Lv. 21-26) On high It will heal 30% of your lost hit points

Air Faerie Abilities

Dive- (Lv. 16) Dive straight at your opponent to deal out a lot of damage
Diamond Dust- (Lv. 27-32) Freezes Opponent

Fire Faerie Abilities

Fiery Gaze- (Lv. 6) Has a chance of freezing opponent
Meteor Shower- (Lv. 27-32) Deals out a lot of damage to opponent (I’ve Never tested it out, yet)
To Test Out Abilities- Why not try them on Punch Bag Bob? He won’t do any damage to you, plus it will be a great way to earn a trophy if you do win!
I hope you enjoyed this little help guide. If you have any questions, neomail me at speckleburst! 🙂 Good luck to all of you in your battle dome matches and may you be successful with your abilities! – speckleburst

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