How to Access Neopets’ Secret Laboratory by whykat

Neopets' secret laboratory
Why you no give me access NAO???

I bet you are thinking, “I could never afford a lab map, those thinks are like 500,000 nps!”. Well think again because this guide will get you your lab map easily. First, you need to think about your income. “How many neopoints am I making a day?” The number should be higher than 20,000 in order to get your lab map set. I also bet you’re thinking, “I do not like just saving and playing games… I like to SPEND!” Well now you can.

The secret: Auction house!! Take your 20,000 to the auction house and you can normally bid on a map for 2,000 – 6,000 and by the end of the auction it is usually 15,000 – 25,000 so there, instead of spending 50,000 on a single map piece, you just spent 20,000!

Also, you may be thinking: I need all 9 different pieces and I can’t find this one on the auction genie! Never worry, just buy 9 map pieces (doesn’t matter which ones) and sell them on the Shop Wizard for 3,000 less than the lowest price. It will sell soon (1 – 2 days) and then you can spend that money on the piece you need!

Another way to get it could take forever but it is cheaper. Take 5,000 out of your bank and head on over to the game Scorchy Slots. It only cost 5 neopoints per spin! Just keep on spinning the slot machine and eventually you can win treasure maps. They aren’t always the lab maps but the other maps sell really fast too (I have won 2 map pieces on Scorchy Slots and I have only been playing Neopets for 3 days).

The single best way to go is the auction house but if you read the other guides for making neopoints then you could just save up 500,000 and buy it, but that way isn’t so fun… or cheap.

Also, remember. when you are saving money and you are an avatar collector, you MUST not try to collect avatars that cost money! It drains money and is a waste if you are trying to collect, remember the avatars will always be there but your neopoints wont. You need to be dedicated to whatever you are saving up for.

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