Fruit of the Loom : Find the Fruit Guide by Aquaseamage

This game takes some practice, but if you can complete the first two levels you will earn 1000nps per game. You control Leaf and Green Grape as they collect Fruit of the Loom packages and other assorted items. Leaf is on the first level and Green Grape on the second level. You will jump over spaces as well as tiny green insects. The real enemy in this game, however, are the birds. Even if you do not get through the exit door on the second level, you should receive 1000nps or nearly so. It’s more important that you collect all the items.

Fruit of the Loom Package: 5 points Step Ladder: 2 points Green Leaves: 3 points Socks: 2 points T-shirt: 2 points Bucket: 2 points

How much each item is worth really doesn’t matter: just know if you collect all the items on the first 2 levels you will earn 1000nps per game.

This game uses the Right arrow to move forward, the left arrow to move backward and the spacebar to jump. You can also use the down arrow to hunch downand hopefully avoid a low-flying bird. This, however, is not always possible. You start the game with 5 lives.

The Enemies

  1. Green insects. These little guys walk up and back in certain areas. Let it approach you and then jump over it. Sometimes there are two patrolling a certain area and you must be patient; they will separate and allow you to jump over each one. You can also walk right behind an insect, collecting items as it moves.
  2. Falling Leaf Blowers. These are the red objects falling from the sky. If one hits you it will cost a life. They are easy to avoid if you see them coming and nothing else is in your way (insect or bird). If you watch the top of the screen you can avoid them without problems.
  3. Birds. The birds, are without doubt, the real enemy in this game. Their movements are often hard to predict. They fly up and down. Some you can jump over successfully, other times it will get you killed. You can also try ducking if one is flying low but that doesn’t always work. It can be frustrating when you have almost completed the level and a bird hits you, but if you want the 1000nps then carry on. Know that the second level is much easier so it’s well worth finishing the first one.
  4. Jumping. You must also jump over pits in this game. Its best if you’re right on the edge or nearly so when you jump. That will guarantee a safe landing. Make sure the landing point is clear before you jump. If you fall into the pit you’re dead.


Make sure when you use the trampoline to jump upward that a flying bird won’t be in your path. Wait until the sky is clear. – Aquaseamage

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