Flying for the First Time by picksisticks

I huffed and puffed as I whizzed through the air at what felt like 100 miles per hour. I was so proud! You see, I was flying for the first time.

Maybe I should start at the beginning!

Well, first of all, I am Skamma_Shoyru, the yellow Shoyru. I don’t have an owner, but I stay at the Neopian Pound waiting to get adopted. I couldn’t fly like most Shoyrus could. I am not sure why, but it might have something to do with the fact that my mother died when I was born, and I was raised at the adoption home, so I wasn’t taught to fly when I was young. One of the girls who volunteers at the adoption home, Picksisticks, made me her personal project to teach me to fly better than any Shoyru has ever flown!

Picksisticks has been working very hard on training me. We go through vigorous rituals every day. I get up early in the morning, and Picksisticks helps me warm-up. Then I have to climb up a tree where I must jump off and flap my wings, but there is a mat under me to cushion my falls. I could never do it, until today.

I got up extra early this morning and practiced for hours. Picksisticks couldn’t come to the adoption home this morning, so I was practicing my flying by myself. I flapped until my wings nearly fell off. I pushed myself past my limits and kept on going. I felt extra confident today, but I was scared that Picksisticks would miss my first flight, so I practiced flapping and did the warm-ups but didn’t try to fly. I ate breakfast then went back to my flying. Picksisticks got to the home around noon and said we should practice. I told her I had been practicing since three in the morning! It was true. She ruffled my hair and said, “You sure are determined, little bird.”

Little bird, that’s what I wanted to be. A bird flying in the sky, soaring over my friends’ heads. I climbed the tree as fast as I could, which, might I mention, was fast.

“Be careful, Skamma!”

Picksisticks warned, as if it would slow me down, it didn’t.

“I will, Picksi,” I replied, not bothering to slow down. I was at the top of the tree now. I looked down at Picksisticks, and she seemed so far away. The tree seemed higher today and my stomach felt bubbly, but today was the day I would fly. Today was the day I would soar. I shivered with excitement at the thought of finally accomplishing my dream.
I jumped into the air and flapped my wings.

I felt right down. I tried again, the same thing happened. I tried again many more times. I fell more times than I could take, and I sat down and cried. Picksisticks tried to comfort me, but it was no good. I was torn, I had been so hopeful just this morning, and now here I was, bruised, hurt and sad. I went to my bunk and cried for an hour or so. Finally, Picksisticks came in and pulled me up.

”You aren’t going to stop trying!” she said sternly. “You aren’t going to give up! You have tried so hard. I have worked so hard to turn you into a fighter, a Shoyru who can pick herself up and try again! YOU’RE REALLY GOING TO GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU FELL ONE TOO MANY TIMES?!” She was nearly screaming.

”No,” I replied quietly, embarrassed at my tears. I gave Picksisticks a hug, and we walked out to the yard hand in hand. I tried a few more times before dinner, unsuccessfully. I had some pasta and bread, but I rushed so I could get back to flying.

“Come on, Picksi,” I said before she finished her dinner.

“Where?” she asked in a funny voice, so I would know she was kidding. She got up, pulled me into her arms and carried me to the yard. We wouldn’t give up. I tried probably a million times, but I fell every time I tried.

“Come on, sweetheart, it is getting late. We will try again in the morning, but we need to go to bed,” Picksisticks said.

“Ok, I’ll be right there,” I replied. I was going to fly today, I just had to try one more time. Picksisticks went inside as I climbed the tree. I jumped, flapped and flew! I was so excited!

I started screaming, “Picksisticks, Picksisticks! I am flying!” But she was already out in the yard watching. She knew what I was up to and watched me from the window, as I found out later. I flew in loops, did flips, and flew every which way. Other kids from the adoption home were gathering in the yard, shouting, “Yay, Skemma!” and “Great Job!” I don’t think anybody was as proud of me as myself. I was beaming inside and out. I finally had taken flight! I was so proud. Whenever, the Adoption Home manager Mrs. Uni asked Picksisticks to run an errand for her, I volunteered. I flew to the store and back. While many kids rode the donated bikes, I flew. I loved the feeling. Flying for the first time! – picksisticks

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