Flamo and Rogue: A True Story by robocom

In a darkened room, two young Neopets are lying on a stone floor. FlamoFearo, the Plushie Scorchio slowly regains consciousness, whilst RogueTrooper, the Fire Krawk is still out for the count with his tongue sticking out and snoring like a grizzly bear in a bad mood. Still on the ground, Flamo looks around to see where he is. The place is too dark to really see anything, but there is a soft light coming from what looks like a door.

‘Wow, how did I get here? I don’t remember coming here’ Flamo says to himself.

Rogue wakes up, but is still very dazed, more so than Flamo.

‘What? Who’s there?’ Shouts the Krawk.

‘It’s me, Flamo, is that you Rogue?’ Replies the plushie Scorchio.

Rogue tries to get to his feet, but his balance is not as it should be, and as he stands up, he falls over, flat on his face.

‘Whoa!’ Screams Rogue, ‘The floor is made of jelly!’

‘No it isn’t, you silly fool,’ Flamo laughs.

‘Shut it, or I’ll rip your stuffing out, you reject plushie!” Rogue snarls.

Rogue remains on the ground, but is now sitting upright. Flamo is busy staring at the light from the door.

‘How did we get in here, Rogue?’ Flamo asks, scratching his head.

‘Don’t ask me, you’re the brainy one,’ replies Rogue, seeming to leave the Scorchio to work it out.

‘Well. I don’t want to state the obvious, but there is a door over there, we should try to get it open,’ says Flamo, with a determined tone in his voice.

Flamo gets to his feet and walks carefully toward the door. He drops to the floor again to look underneath and into the light. A brighter room is on the other side and red carpet covers the floor. He listens for a while until he hears footsteps that appear to be getting louder.

‘I think someone’s coming,’ he whispers.

Suddenly the door opens wide, and Flamo jumps out of the way to avoid getting flattened, as the heavy door hits the wall with a thwack.

Standing there is what looks like a fruity Chia. It is holding a sharpened wooden stick.

‘Hmmmm. I think it’s a pineapple, what do you think Roguey Bogey?’ Flamo asks without expecting a reply, assumingly saying it to appear calm. Flamo usually makes silly comments when he’s nervous.

‘Silence!’ Shouts the Chia, waving his stick thing, which causes Flamo to run for cover behind the Krawk.

‘I demand you tell us why we are here!’ Rogue growls. His sharp teeth are on display for the Chia to see, even whilst he jumps to his feet.

Rogue has always been the daring one, and will protect anyone he cares for. He pokes danger in the eye, and kicks trouble in the shins. The Chia walks up to Rogue and points his stick at his face.

‘Don’t get mouthy, young Neopet!’ Yells the animated pineapple, whilst waving his pointed stick. His accent is kind of Jamaican sounding. ‘You were brought here last night after we caught you trying to break into the Princess’ room, so we locked you in here and moved the Princess to another room, where you cannot find her,’ replies the Chia confidently and a little more calmly this time.

‘Oh yeah!’ Exclaims Flamo. ‘I remember now, we’re meant to be saving Moyamoon from almost certain doom!’ (Flamo’s a poet, but he doesn’t yet know it.)

The Chia looks at Flamo for a second or two, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Flamo and Rogue just stand there and watch as the Chia loses control, tears are falling from his eyes. His legs begin to wobble and the Chia falls to the floor, his arms and legs waving madly and he just can’t seem to stop laughing. The two Neopets continue to watch in amazement.

‘Does Neopia have an emergency number that we can call?’ Asks Flamo, dumbfounded. ‘This guy seems to be in serious pain,’ he adds.

They continue to watch for a bit longer, gawking at him with their mouths wide open.

‘You know what amazes me more than this fruity frenzy?’ Asks Rogue whilst looking at Flamo in astonishment.

‘Um, no, what?’ Replies Flamo with a dopey tone in his voice, then scratches his head.

Rogue walks up to Flamo and stares at him for a moment, as if he can’t believe that the brainy Scorchio has no clue.

‘I honestly cannot believe that whilst that silly looking Chia is on his back and has lost all control and awareness, we are not making a run for it! Yells Rogue, whilst jumping up and down on the spot.

‘Oh,’ says Flamo, as realisation sets in. ‘Good point, let’s get the Princess!’

They both run for the door and lock it behind themselves, shutting the Chia inside, who is still laughing hysterically without a care in the world. The brave Neopets find themselves in a long corridor that seems like it goes on for miles. The walls are made from bricks, which have been painted orange. Decorating the walls are swords and shields, and there’s a few paintings of a Tomato Chia with a cheesy grin on its’ face, the frames are painted gold. I, the Narrator, have already mentioned the red carpet. And there are some lovely crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, they look very posh, even Flamo seems to agree with me.

‘Flamo, stop admiring the lighting, we’ve got to save Moyamoon!’ Shouts Rogue suddenly, waking Flamo from his daze.

‘Yes, I know,’ Flamo responds, ‘it was my idea that we come here,’ he adds with a proud expression upon his cute little face.

‘Yeah, what a brilliant plan,’ Rogue mumbles to himself, sarcastically.

‘What?’ Asks the plushie Scorchio, not quite hearing what the Krawk had said.

‘Oh, nothing,’ Rogue simply replies with a slight smile. ‘I hope this Desert Aisha is worth all this effort,’ he adds with uncertainty of what lies ahead.

Flamo begins walking up the corridor with Rogue following behind. Moyamoon has been missing for a few weeks now, and her family have been very worried about her. They received a ransom note, which read

Dear Moon family, we have taken Princess Moyamoon hostage and we want one million Neopoints, or else we will turn her into a Lemon Chia. We are holding her at our castle in Tyrannia. Do not try to rescue her, we have the place heavily guarded, not even the Defenders of Neopia could break our defences. Reply soon, we don’t want to have to spoil her good looks.

Tim Tom Tomato.

After hearing about this, Flamo (who is apparently in love with the Princess) dragged Rogue (who has never even met the Princess) to the castle in an attempt to save her. Right, continuing on with the story.

The two Neopets have been walking for what seems like hours, many hours. Their poor legs are getting weary, and they have no clue what to do or where to go. In fact, they appear lost in a long corridor that leads nowhere at all. From out of nowhere two Lime Chias appear in front of them.

‘We have been ordered to recapture you!’ the Chias shout and point at the Neopets in sync.

Flamo and Rogue look at each other, then turn their attention back to the Lime Chias.

‘Then prepare to fail!’ Shouts Flamo as he pulls out his Zaptwig.

The two Chias look stunned, their eyes are wide open. Rogue just watches with a smirk on his face. Flamo points the awesome weapon at them and a bolt of lightning strikes out, but it hits the ground just in front of them. High-pitched screams are heard and the Chias scarper off into the distance, waving their arms around.

‘Well, that was easy.’ Flamo says, as they watch the Chias vanish from sight.

‘I need a poogle,’ says Rogue, out of the blue.

Flamo stops to contemplate what the Krawk had just said, especially after what just happened.

‘You mean a piddle, don’t you, echo-for-a-brain?’ Flamo says laughing to himself.

‘Whatever. I need to go to the bathroom, quickly!’ Rogue responds, angry and red faced. ‘There must be one around here somewhere,’ he adds whilst looking up the long corridor.

They both keep walking. Well, Flamo keeps walking. Rogue is hopping like a Cybunny on Carnival Day. They continue on roaming through the corridor for another few minutes, until Flamo spots something with his incredible eyesight.

‘Look!’ He shouts to Rogue, ‘I see a bathroom!’

Rogue stops and stares, his expression changes from discomfort to joy in a few milliseconds. Up ahead is a sign, a large sign. Well, flashing neon sign with an arrow pointing to a door. It reads, “Bathroom, nothing else.”

‘Wahoo!’ Exclaims Rogue before dashing towards the door.

Flamo follows. After all, it is the first door they’ve seen for hours, and if that isn’t a reason for getting excited, then I don’t know what is, even if it is just a bathroom, and nothing else. Rogue opens the door and his jaw drops to the floor.

‘What is it, Rogue, what’s wrong?’ Inquires Flamo as he walks to the open door.

They both stand there in astonishment, staring at what looks like a desert Aisha tied to a chair. After a few minutes, they are still gawping at the Princess, who is wiggling her legs about.

‘Are you boys going to help me?’ The Princess kind of asks, but it was more like a demand.

The two Neopets break away from their staring and dart towards Moyamoon, who is upset, but also looks relieved. Flamo unties her quickly.

‘We’ve got no time to lose, we must get out of here quick,’ says Flamo, there is a whiff of excitement in his voice.

Flamo, the wannabe hero grabs Moyamoon and flies off down the corridor, the long corridor, leaving Rogue hopping behind them. They take the Princess back to her family, who are very pleased to see her. And that’s it. The story is finished. The End.

What? You expected more? You didn’t expect the rescue mission to be so easy? Perhaps you thought Moyamoon would fall into FlamoFearo’s arms and ask him to marry her? I’m sorry, but this is a true story, and that sort of thing doesn’t happen in the real world. Anyway, I don’t like stories that end with a happily ever after. – robocom

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