Feed Florg Cheats

Use a slow computer

The very EASIEST way to get some major NP off of this game is to find a friend who owns a VERY old, slow computer (or be lucky enough to own your own). Preferably something running windows 93 or 95 OLD. The graphics are too much for many old, slow machines, and the movement of the petpets will be greatly hampered. I play on an old machine (I actually only keep it around for this purpose!) that is so slow that after 3-4 petpets are on the screen, Florg is eating them faster than they can move to the edges of the table. Then I just leave it run for 3-4 hours, and when I’ve reached over 1,000 points, I click quit game. Easy 3,000 neopoints a day, or a great way to get the avatar. If you’re really dedicated and can leave it all night or a couple of days I suppose you could even make in onto the high scoreboard eventually, but I’m NEVER that patient! Perhaps that is how some of the incredibly high scores got on the board in the first place! (17,000 pts??!!) Happy Gaming! – DrummerGirl

Auto play

I know how to make 100-200 np without even playing! Click on options on the feed florg screen. Then it says mouse or key board click on mouse. Take the point of your mouse and put it in the bottom of the screen. This makes the hand go around and around. I do this if I have to go to the bathroom, eat, watch t.v and when I usually come back, I have either from 100-200 nps. Try this, make np away from your computer! – wazuph20

Auto play 2

The above secret is right about the game playing for itself, but I know a way to get 500 or more np out of this and not 100-200 np. You chose the mouse in the options and put it in the bottom right corner. The hand will move much faster and get many more neopoints than if a normal person was playing (unless you’re really good). You may want to switch to this manually if you double hit one of the petpets because usually the hand won’t catch it after that. – marsdragon67

Autoplay while you play Neopets

Start the game up in any mode that is not full-screen. Go to options, switch to mouse, then start game. put the mouse in the bottom right corner and pull the mouse out of the game window, bring the mouse around the game window and click the minimize button. Now, you can play neopets, and gain neopoints. Just a warning: don’t start up any flash games when you are doing this, they will take over the window. – Megamagic93

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