Faerie Caves Solutions – Water Faerie Cave

Go right 1, then go left, press “t” and go quickly down towards the key, then to the TNT and light that, and then you’ll be where this picture shows. The 4 diamonds with the balloon is a maze, many times I have pushed it wrongly. Get the 2 top ones, then the one directly above the balloon, go one up one right quickly, push the balloon left and now get all the diamonds in the bottom left corner (but not the chest).

You have two chests to choose from, the correct one is the one hiding the 4 diamonds, get that chest, clear all the diamonds then go to the top. Now go right through the crumble wall (look carefully at the picture) do not go up through the first column of crumble walls!

Press “t” and collect all the keys and chest, go down to the middle, clear the crumble wall but don’t push the balloon, then go to the very bottom, push the balloon carefully left, not to much, just so you can go up through the chest. Now go all the way to the top and push that top balloon under the crumble wall and let it float up, now go through the crumble wall and push that balloon onto the sense pad.

Go down to the middle centre of the map and push that balloon right, until it floats up and makes a stack, one more balloon to go.

Go to the bottom balloon, push it right, it will go up the small shaft, then go left, up and push it right until it goes up the long path and onto the sense pad.

If you want an extra 5pt, go to the bottom left corner and get that chest, be careful not to be squashed, now just go and get the purple key, and leave the level. (If you did this level last like I do, then well done on completing the caves, do this 2 more times and you’ll have 2,400np in total.

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