Extreme Potato Counter Guide by ikelarso121

Extreme Potatoe Counter (EPC) is an easy game that doesn’t require much skill, talent, experience, wit etc. All you need is a quick counting brain.


One thing that is good to do is keep the color of the potatoes in your head, because around level 3-4 other types of vegetables will start appearing. Another thing I find helpful is to keep your eyes in the middle of the screen. This way you can tell if a potato just appeared from somewhere or if it came from some were else and you just saw it as it passed. The other reason I do this is to be able to see everywhere on the screen.

Tricks of the Game

As you get in to higher levels the potatoes start to move faster and different vegetables start appearing on screen. At times when more potatoes appear, they can get over lapped. When this happens, you have to make sure you count both so as not to count wrong and lose. Another trick is that as new vegetables start appearing they might overlap a potato and you just barely be able to see a corner of the potato. So make sure you watch out for that too.


Like I said in the beginning, this game doest take much effort to play and be good. That itself is an advantage in the game. Though the best part about this game, easy playing included, is that it gives a lot of neopoints which I – and probably many others – think is a Great thing! =) As for this game you can take your score and times it by 7! For me I usually get 75 points easily, which once multiplied by 7 gives me 525 nps! In two tries I’ve got 1050 nps easily!

Lost Count?

When you’re playing in harder levels it’s easier to lose count. When I lose count when Im playing I remember the last number I had when I had the correct number of potatoes and keep counting out loud or in my head just quickly like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on until that level comes to a complete end. Usually when the level is over Im usually one potato to short or one potato to high, but that doesnt stop me from going onto the next level. If the potato I lost count on was in a big group of potatoes I add one to my potato count, but if the potato was in a small group and someone else disrupts me and I have to count quick to get to were I think was the right amount of potatoes I take away one.

Count In my Head or out Loud?

For me and most people it helps you remember your count better if you count out loud. Though if youre like me and you stay up late to play Neopets you should probably count in your head – dont wanna wake up the folks!

Have fun!

I hope this guide can help anyone who reads it so they can get lots of neopoints and become one of the best Extreme Potato Counter players though I already told you that theres no skill involved in playing. So have fun with the game and Neopets altogether and remember, dont cheat or youll get your account frozen =) because no one wants that!


I would like to thank Neopets for creating such a wonderful site for us all to play and enjoy. I would also like to thank the creators of this site and contest for helping us with Neopets and for making such a great contest for us to enjoy! =) Thank You! – ikelarso121

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