Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by Christeria

Hey! So you wanna play evil fuzzles from beyond the stars? Here are a few things you absolutely have to know if you want to rack up the big neopoints.

1: Load on low quality. That way your mouse doesn’t skip and it’s not this little green thingy, it’s your hand. (the little hand that appears if your mouse crosses over a link) and it’s much easier to see. Plus, the game starts to slow down a little after awhile, so loading on low makes it much faster.

2: DON’T MISS!!! Go from fuzzle to fuzzle, one shot each. And don’t click on the little golden bonus until the end of the round when it’s like 20, unless your not very good at not missing, then you can click on it once it says :10×3, but not before!!! Once your bonus adds up to 10, it’s multiplied by 3, not 2. Here’s an example:

1(to 9)x2….OR 10(to however many fuzzles you can hit in one round)x3. You total, between on hit (being 9 to 10) you can have 18 bonus points, or 30. Your choice.

3: Once your done with the first round, you come to your space station. At the space station, you’ll find an assortment of things. The only thing you have to buy here, is a gun. Bump up your gun every round, unless other things are desperately needed such as shields. You MUST have shields. You can only hold 5, along with the smart bomb and stun bomb, and they get expensive later. So on your first trip to the space station, if your good, you’ll have 100-130 virtue creds. With this you should buy the gun, and the repair droid. (little spider thingy that’s gray). It repairs your hull gradually every time you play, meaning you DO NOT have to buy those hull repairs that are orange and at the top of your selection list. The only time you have to buy those is if your in serious trouble in the later rounds and you need repair FAST. But in the later rounds, they cost lots of money. Speaking of the cost:

4: The prices will go up. There is no avoiding this…not that you expected there’d be. Levels 1-4 the little things (hull repairs and stun bombs, and smart bombs, and shields) will cost you 10 V.C.
Thus, 1-4, while buying your guns, you should get 5 bombs in your stock, and one in shield position. That way you only paid 60 v.c for your virtue creds, unless you only stock 5 and then you get past space station 4 and you end up paying 20 v.c for the 6th one. That’s right, once you get to space station 5 those things are doubled in price. (only those ones, not your gun, not your repair droid or side radar). And after that, once you get to space station 10, they double again. And every 5 rounds so on, they double. So stock up.

5: Once you get to level 9 you will encounter evil fuzzles that come up on your right side, and they take awhile getting there. You do not have a chance, (maybe a little one on this round, but the up coming ones, haha, don’t even think it) You can’t shoot them. They come up, and explode without you even knowing what happened. Your screen will go blank, unless you have a shield in place and then the only thing that will happen is your little golden bonus went away. Because you missed. So when your side radar reads you have a fuzzles coming up on that side, and you don’t see it for a second, either click your smart bomb, (which if you have 5 or more points stocked up, I suggest you do so that you can proceed towards 10. If not, just click the bonus and get your points, they won’t add up to what your smart bomb costs) or collect your points. You choice, but I’v given my insight on what you should do.

6: Oh, and when it comes to the last rounds, the fuzzles will break your shield down to the point of no return. But don’t be so quick to put another one up the second the last one dies. If you’ve been installing the latest repair droids, you should be at full hull (100) by the time shields are even needed. And don’t forget the little repair droid guys work while you shoot. So you don’t have to have shields on all the time. I suggest that once your shield goes out, in order to save virtue creds, let the fuzzles attack your hull until you have maybe 60 hull left. Then put up a shield, giving your traveler a break, and putting your repair droids to work.

7: Oh, and when you find you have enough v.c to buy the 6th version of your gun, DON’T. The 6th gun doesn’t effect your shooting AT ALL. It’s just a waste of virtue creds. Once you get past level 9, you’ll be shooting all the fuzzles (the very dark black ones are at this level, at level ten are the dark black ones with their mouthes open, but you have to only shoot those twice, so nothing but how they look changes) twice. Level 6 gun will not change that at all. DO NOT WASTE YOUR VIRTUE CREDS ON LEVEL 6 GUN.

8: Last, I’ll tell you of the little bombs down the center. A lot of people have commented that the ones down the side don’t hurt you, but this has not been my experience. But they don’t hurt as much as the ones down the middle will, that is for sure. If you click them, you won’t lose your bonus, but they won’t add to it either. They’ll only add to your total hits, not your bonus, keep that in mind or you’ll confuse yourself if your brain is fryed and you can’t think straight.
So I only suggest clicking them (never click them if they are not glowing red, if they’re not glowing red, you won’t hit them, and you will lose your bonus for missing) if you’re battling an evil fuzzle and have no time to spare.

If you have any questions or need me to explain something, just neomail christeria. (oh, if you note that my high score on evil fuzzles is only 5990 or something, that’s only my recent one. Before the score boards were taken down, I had over 9400 as my high score. Earning me a silver trophy, but due to 4 or 5 cheaters who posted their high scores as 1,000,000, I got bumped down to bronze, and thus the trophy I have.)


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