Dubloon Disaster Guide by tiggoo13

I haven’t really reached a really high score in this game but here are just a few tips for you.

Keep your fingers on the cursor keys! Remember which key one finger is on. That way, it would be much easier for you to move. You’ll be able to avoid hesitating that way!

Stay away from the mines! Stay at the sides! If the mines are surrounding the dubloon go around the area in circles and at the sides, making sure that you don’t stay near the mines. The mines will be confused and sometimes, they explode! Then, there’s your chance of getting the dubloon!

Never face the wall or the side! If you do, it will be much harder for you to spin and get out of there before the mines float to you and hit you!

Don’t rush! That way, you’ll end up running into a mine! Use the sides! Don’t stay near the mines! If you do, it will be much easier for the mines to reach you! (They travel really fast!)

These are the very few tips I can give you about Dubloon Disaster. Just remember: DON’T STAY NEAR THE MINES!!!! TAKE THE SIDES!!!! USE THE PLACES OR SPACES WHERE MINES CAN’T GET YOU AT ONCE!!!

Maybe, once you’re used to doing these, you can probably try to challenge the new Better than You opponent! Happy rowing!!! : D – tiggoo13

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