Dubloon Disaster Guide by larrylyn7

Loads of people say that to play Dubloon Disaster well, you need to keep the number of mines on the screen down to the smallest number possible.

I am here to tell you that you do not have to do this!!

I am an experienced player and getting rid of the mines is easy enough, but i also find that it is just as effective to keep all the mines. This is good for the new players.

To start with go about collecting the dubloons as normal. Then when mines start appearing, try to get them into a group. There is no need to get them to collide just make sure they are together. This way it is easy to avoid them. I have scored my best points by doing this.

When I first started to play this game I kept on dying with under 10 points each time. You mainly need practice to get good at it, so stick with it.

For any new players, if you have 2 mines up, and they are quite far apart, either:

1. Position yourself in the middle of them to bring them together then move away. (This does not have to be done at the last minute, move away when ever you feel comfortable.)

2. Simply drive though the middle and keep on doing this until the mines are close.

Another good tip is, stay confident. Don’t hesitate, drive at full speed through the center of groups of mines. This brings them closer together, giving you more points.

Tip: When you start the game type in ‘blackpawkeet’ this helps you get a gold dubloon which is 100 points. It does work, I get one nearly every day that I play, although sometimes they come quite late in the game.

Good luck! If u need any more help, my username is ‘larrylyn7’ – neomail me. – larrylyn7

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