DION Hott Grilled Neggs Guide by apten7a-vo

1) Burned/partially burned neggs:

Neggs that are completely burned (i.e. the grill meter reaches maximum) do not count towards the grill quota. They are automatically discarded as soon as a side is completely burned and their value is deducted from your score.

Partially burned neggs (i.e. the grill meter goes past the green line but doesn’t reach maximum) count towards the grill quota. A number of points are deducted from your score, depending on how burned they are.

2) Higher value neggs:

Higher value neggs need considerably less grilling time (some less than others). Be alert, as they’re extremely easy to get burned and, as they are highly valued, a lot more points are deducted from your score.

3) Special neggs:

Fire: speeds up grilling. Not always a bad idea, especially if you’ve got a few neggs with relatively similar grilling times. Make sure to allow enough time between your removing the fire negg and the grill meter reaching green.

Ice: slows down grilling. Usually a bad idea, even when you have a high value negg that you’d like to take your time grilling. This is because, as soon as the ice negg melts or is removed, grilling accelerates rapidly for those neggs that were being grilled when the ice negg dropped. Multiple burned neggs are a very real possibility.

Storm: stops grilling. Usually a bad idea. Similarly to the ice negg, when the frost negg melts or is removed, grilling accelerates rapidly for those neggs that were being grilled when the ice negg dropped. Multiple burned neggs are a very real possibility.

Spiked: sticks to grill. Neutral, unless you’re in a high level and you need to use as many grills as possible. In that case, the spiked negg just occupies the grill that you could have used to grill a negg.

Bomb: destroys neggs. Get rid of them.

Super: grills perfectly. Appears in higher levels and it’s just what you need, so leave it alone!

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