Dice Escape Tips

How to max your score

– Don’t start the game with a 5 coin. Keep restarting until you get at least a 10.
– Whenever you see a 25 coin. Get it. Then replay the level (you will get credit for the coin, and the game score will be reset to 100 round points).
– If you’re at level 24 and have more than 1 life left. Get the coin. Restart the level.
– You’ve got to be fast. But don’t miss a step. If you miss a step, back track (but I would suggest restarting the game).
– Good luck guys. I want to see PPT members sweeping the trophies! – ScottNak

Mirrored Levels

Often when playing the game using the solutions on PPT, the game mirrors itself. When this happens, simply do the opposite of what the solutions tell you to do. For example, instead of left, go right. Note that the up and down directions do not change at all. – nascarfan

Make the game faster

Since the game runs slow on many computers, it’s hard to finish some levels in time. To make the game faster (which can give you more points too), right click the game once it loads. There should be an option called “3D Renderer.” Try the different options listed under there to see which one best suits your computer. – hafsa

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