Defender Trainer Tips

Some Tips by Jezza_rox4eva34125

  • Step#1: Always stay in the middle.
  • Step#2: If you have trouble with the veggies here they are: Tigersquash, Marrow, Nova, Faerie, Usuki, Ummagine, Sniddberry, Cornupepper, Negg, Bomberry, Sardplant, Turnip, Purplum, Chokato, Juppie, Zeenana, Bagguss, Loveberry, Starberry, Asparagus and Wartroot.

The Targets Will Always Move One to the Right by cjsgirl777

When you get the “moving targets” message, the targets will always move one space to the right. If the target is as far right as it can go in the row, it moves down one row, and all the way to the left. Finally, the target on the far right in the very bottom row will move to the very top row, all the way to the left. This way you’ll always know where the correct target is going to move!

The target movement will look like this:

Defender Trainer Tip

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