Deckball Guide by Curtis S

Ok this strategy is a complete variation of all the other strategies listed on this site. First off, play HIGHLY offensive, especially when the ball starts off. Take a few rounds to learn how to judge which side you are going to be able to hit the ball on. ALWAYS hit the ball off of the top side, or if it is going slow enough that Mirgle (the monkey) goes for it on the bottom you can plough right through it. Your advantage is that mirgle always goes straight for the ball, and therefore he get to the middle to hit the ball slower than you can because he chases it. Always try to hit ball off of the top side into the goal because (A) Mirgle has a harder time defending that area [game program] (B) Mirgle can defend the bottom much easier (C) The top is easier to gauge, and the distance between the bottom and the goal is smaller. If you keep spinning (holding a arrow button -right or left) you keep your speed, and that can make it easier to get around, and if you try to change directions, use the wall to bounce off of, while using the spin technique (Once you have tried these guidelines for about a week, you can on average, with only 8 accounts, and if you get a decent score (10 – i never have gotten lower) you will make 108000 in one day, without anything else. – Curtis S.

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