Daily Puzzle Guide by waterproof_blonde

They say its only once a day but is it? If you tried answering it in 11:30 NST they will award you if you got it right of course.

Then at 12:00 NST refresh it and they haven’t changed the daily puzzle yet so answer it and you’ll get rewarded again.

I tried it and it really works! Yhe prize was the pirate usuki play set plus 150 NP. When I refreshed it and answered it again. I got the same thing! I cant believe it in 30 minutes doing nothing I got 300 NPs! Plus 2 usuki play sets! Think of what can you get if the prize is higher lets say 600 NPs…in 30 mins you can get 1200 NPs. Plus the things that is included that you can sell in the trading post!

In 30 days you can get 9000 to 30,000 NP OR MOREEEE! You’ll never know. (I computed it.)

Imagine you having that money for doing nothing! Everyday. Just wait for 30 mins! In that 30 minutes you can play a lot of games in the games section in Neopets. You can get a lot of neopoints for playing. Plus the prize you’ll get in the daily puzzle! Imagine how many neopoints will that be!

In about 3 months… you could buy something from the Hidden Tower. You’ll never know.

Have fun because… I did. Try it. The result will never disappoint you. IT WORKS! – waterproof_blonde

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