Common Scams by dizelda

Hey I’m dizelda well that’s my sn on neopets. Here’s something to read so you’ll keep safe from getting scammed. Getting scammed really sucks, But there’s NO point of email or or, I emailed these places a couple of time they just said “Thank you for submitting your problem we will get to it as soon as we can” Its been about 9 months since then I still haven’t got my account back! So if you ever get an account stolen just remember “Its all part of life” Some times good things will happen, And sometimes bad things. I got scammed 2 times! Here’s some tips how NOT to get scammed:

Never Give you password to anyone

When logging in make sure where it says the url, it should be ” or ”

If someone says they know a place where to get neopoints, DON’T EVEN GO THERE!

The most common place to get scammed it on instant messages people say they’ll give you there password if you give them yours, They either wont give you the correct password or will but have really junky things on that account, They will most likely steel your account. Well that’s an “Account Stealer Scammer” Now let me tell you about “Shop Scammers”

These are people who have contests in there shops like “WHO EVER BUYS THE MOST THINGS IN MY SHOP GETS A RARE ITEM” Well they probably have a really high prices, They’re probably a scammer; Unless of course there a co owner or owner of a guild, then that’s a “Guild Contest”. But that’s not the only kind of “Shop Scammer” They also might say “Buy an item for 50,000 and go to you inventory and you will find a baby paintbrush” But that’s NOT TRUE. Also if you ever click on an item and a Login Page pops up then REPORT the shop immediately, And don’t login. Sometimes people do because it says “Something Happens, you find a Faerie Doll on the ground” This isn’t a scam its just a little work of html they put together.

OK so now you’ve learned about “Account Stealer Scammers” and “Shop Scammers” I know this may be getting BOOOOOOOOOORRRIIIING but its a valuable lesson that people should learn. If you can bare to read anymore then why not read about “Item Scammers”

I have had all of these scams happen to me Shop Scamming, Item Scamming, Account Stealer Scams, But I am going to give you a conversation I had with a scammer.

Them: Quick give me all your neopoints or a really rare item!

Me: Why should I?

Them: Because if I don’t get one before my grandma comes home then she’s going to kill me.

Me: And I care why?

Them: She’s coming home tomorrow night HURRY

Surprisingly that was a real conversation I had with a scammer! Now that was a probably a really little kid who was a scammer either that or someone who thought I was dumb or they were stupid. Well that was an “Item Scammer” But that’s not the only kind of item scammer. In fact, my friend saw a baby paint brush at the trading post they said “I want what ever I can get” Of course my friend made an offer, Some how the person stole all the items she had offered!! Some people tell you to give them something then once you have gave them an item they’ll fake sending a message like “IOU a codestone” Hopefully your not that stupid to believe them.

Unfortunately there is not a program to avoid scammers or hackers :(. That’s why you have to have to use common sense! If anyone neomails you telling them something like that ASAP (as soon as possible) go to Block when your in the neomail and type the sn of the person who’s trying to scam you.

Now for the “FakeStaff scammers” These are people who give you a very realistic message saying there part of the Neostaff, They probably say give me your pass*word backward in spaces. They say this because your not aloud to ask for someone else’s password on neopets. If you type your password in it’ll go to a page saying something like “ROOOAAARRRR NO GIVING YOUR PASSWORD OUT” I guarantee the Neostaff will never ask for your password! There are so many kinds of scammers I cant tell you all of them, You’ll just have to find out for yourself, Remember “Its all part of life”, but you can avoid it if you want to.

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