Stock Market Starters by Darkshadowex

So youre new to the stock market, and have NO idea whats going on? That was what I felt like a while ago. I started off buy shares at about 30np a piece, just to see my money slowly slip down the drain. That is a very bad feeling, my hard earned neopoints being forced out of me. But, there were several things I didnt know when I started that I think I should share with you.

First of all: Lets get acquainted with The Stock Market. For those of you who dont know, the point of the stock market is to buy shares at a low price and then sell them at a high price in order to make a profit. Easy enough, right? Ok, now I bet you wonder, How do I know what stock will make me the biggest profit? That is a hard question to answer, but if you read the rest of my guide Im sure it will help.

Stock Market Guide by Shawn Anderson

Who should play this stock market?

I advise those who had amassed some NPs (about 300k) to start playing. This is because this is a game of patience, not risk venturing. As long as you keep the stock, 1 day it will rise. To have patience, you should have enough NPs to faithfully buy the 1000 shares (capped at 1k) every day. If you are a person who are not that rich yet, most probably you can earn more $ using the NPs you have, in other areas such as shops or trading posts.

When to sell the stocks?

When I start playing the stock market, I buy at 15 and sell at 20. As time goes by, I amass more NPs, I start to wait longer for the price to rise. Right now, I buy at 15 and sell at 50 and above. My point is when you are richer; your risk tolerance will get higher. Thus as to when to sell it – will have to depend on your riches and liquidity needs.

Stock Market Tips

Fail Proof Profit

As soon as you go to the stock market click on bargains. When the page comes up buy a stock that is the lowest (usually 6) and if there are multiple stocks of say 6, buy the stock that has gone down the most. This stock is bound to go up because not only cant go much lower to what it is, but it will almost definately recover from its fall. By doing this everyday you will make huge profits and then you’ll be able to conquer the stock market! – Henry White