Becoming a Guild Leader by youngking

The series of articles I am planning to write are similar to the show on MTV, but its me who is going to become the topic of the week.

This past week, I have tried to create a guild of my own, which was run under the username liv4damusic, where I and a couple people I found in chat rooms created a guild that teaches specific classes that help with travels throughout Neopia. The guild was called University of Neopia Central or UNC for short.

Day 1: I went into the guild chat room and tried to advertise my guild and the great idea of teaching classes. After advertising for an hour, I decided to work on the guild layout so its appealing to the eyes. At the end of the day I ended up creating 4 custom signatures for the 4 council members, as well as a new logo and a new banner.

Increase Your Guild’s Page Views by Samantha Thomson

If you are having trouble getting members, then a good way to get people interested is by increasing your guild’s page views.

I know from experience that before I had my own guild and I was looking for one to join, one thing that would stand out was how many page views a guild had.

The more page views your guild has, the more that visitors will think your guild is popular because so many people have looked at it.

A guild with page views into the thousands is good. Most people like a popular guild because they know it will always be active.

A Few Tips to Help


How to Choose a Guild by princess_night52

Okay, so youve got everything settled in Neopets. Everything – except your guild, that is! Now, you click on the Guild HQ picture, but you are then faced with a great challenge – what guild do you want to choose?

Guilds with Lots of Neopoints

If you like guilds that you think have lots of neopoints, and then find them by clicking on the image which brings you to the message boards. Now, scan through the whole page. You may also turn back to yesterdays advertisements. Usually they are on guilds or shops, but mostly guilds. The guilds advertised at the top are usually the guilds that have spent the most neopoints to advertise themselves. Then maybe thats the guild for you!

10 Things to Consider When Starting a Guild by Chaz

In this guide I will walk you through the steps of running a successful guild. In particular, I will highlight 10 things that you need to consider when starting your very own Neopets guild.

I will tell you now it is not going to be easy. Most guilds that are started on Neopets do not progress beyond the initial first day. Want to know why? It all comes down to planning.

I have put some topics below which will help you plan out your guild so that it can start you off on your journey to becoming the best guild master on Neopets. Each topic will contain questions that you should ask yourself and reasons for those questions.

How to Make Other Neopians Join Your Guild by Sammydoganniegirl

1. Never say: ‘If you join my guild you will get a great newbie pack!’ Trust me, it NEVER works!

2. Don’t ask anyone who has already got a guild.

3. Never say: ‘I’ll add you as a neofriend if you join my guild!’

4. Try to make a sensible deal with them.

5. Search for newbies without guilds on the Newbie Board.

6. Don’t ask anyone who tells you that they have blocked guild invites on they’re lookup.

7. Ask your neofriends.

8. Don’t bother asking anyone in the Guild Advertisements Board.

9. If your guild is private, and you are not the leader, then ask the leader first before inviting anyone.